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Rev. Gregory McCammon | Gilford, Northern Ireland
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Ebenezer Free Presbyterian Church
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Divine Provision
Posted by: Ebenezer Free Presbyterian Church | more..
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1 Kings 17:4, “And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there.”

The Lord promises to care and provide for His servant. Drinking from the brook is fairly ordinary, though it is still to be recognised as God’s provision and He is to be thanked for it just the same. Being fed by ravens however is beyond the ordinary. When it is necessary God still goes beyond the ordinary in the lives of His people. He never fails to keep His promise, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). God can command ravens still, as the following story relates.

Rev. John Craig (1512-1600) (died this day 12th December) later to become a close friend of John Knox, had a remarkable conversion in Italy through reading Calvin's Institutes. He was seized as a heretic soon after, brought to Rome, and condemned to be burnt. The story of his escape from the Roman prison is a remarkable testimony of God’s providential care of His people. The night before his execution the pope died. In the confusion and uproar following the death of that unpopular pope the prisons were opened and Craig and his companions escaped. A company of soldiers sent to apprehend them captured them in an inn outside Rome. The captain recognised Craig and asked him if he remembered having once relieved a poor wounded soldier in the neighborhood of Bologna. Craig had forgotten it, but the officer said, "I am the man; I shall requite your kindness. You are free to go. I must arrest your friends, but I promise for your sake I shall treat them with all possible leniency.” The officer gave him all the money he had, and Craig escaped. The money soon was finished and Craig was far from a safe city. Concealed at night at the edge of a forest he lay with a dejected spirit. A dog came running up to him with a purse in his teeth and laid it beside him. Fearing some trap or exposure he endeavoured to chase the animal away but it would not leave. Soon he recognised it was the Lord’s doing and receiving the purse he found in it a sum of money which was sufficient to carry him to the safety of Vienna.

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