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The ‘Plague Text’ of George Wishart
SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2020
Posted by: Ebenezer Free Presbyterian Church | more..
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“He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions” (Psalm 107:20).

It was this text that the Scottish Reformer George Wishart used in a powerfully rousing sermon in Dundee in 1544. The city had not been particularly friendly to his evangelistic efforts and he had left it for another part of Scotland. While away the town suffered a terrible plague, and the whole city was in a panic. When the Reformer received news of the deadly devastation he unhesitatingly and selflessly hastened to the poor people there. “They are in trouble, and need comfort: perchance the hand of God will make them now to magnify and reverence that word which before, for fear of men, they set at light part.” He received a warm welcome, and standing on the east gate, he proclaimed the word to the infected quarantined without and the healthy within. John Knox later wrote, “By this sermon he roused up the hearts of all that heard him, so that they regarded not death.” Partly by his great love, and this sermon Dundee became one of the great centres in the cause of the Scottish Reformation. Shortly after, in March 1546, Wishart suffered at the stake in St. Andrews. He was the forerunner of John Knox. The east gate in the city still stands today, all that remains of its ancient walls.

The text teaches that the Lord can command, and often does, our healing from physical sickness.

There is also sickness of the mind and soul; spiritual sickness. For that, Christ, the eternal Word, the One sent by the Father, is the only cure. He alone heals the sin sick soul, by His blood and Spirit.

The Bible, God’s inspired Word also heals us. The Word of God is as medicine to the soul.

“I believe, my soul shall sup with my Saviour this night” (George Wishart as he went to the stake in 1546).

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