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News Item2/18/09 3:03 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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John UK~that's wonderful, but did the prayer save him, or the grace of God? Was the prayer not a result of God humbling him and doing a work in his heart FIRST?
Again, too many folks are coaxing decisions out of false converts so they may boast of their numbers. I am referencing to mechanical prayers, shoved in faces and then told simply to repeat the prayer, then salvation will come. This is NOT biblical, repeating a prayer will not save anyone.

I am NOT saying praying is useless, praying is a result of a work done FIRST in the heart by God!

Let me try again, before I was saved, I wanted nothing to do with God. Then, my mom was diagnosed with incurable cancer. I was devastated, I was driving home from work, crying so hard, I could not see to drive. I cried out to the Lord, "Oh God, please help me!", and He did. But, He had to humble me first before I could cry out. My prayer was not pre-written or pre-conceived, it was wrought by God due to brokenness.

DJC49~ thank you for helping to clarify

News Item2/18/09 1:59 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Mike, why is it every time I post man-made methods to a phony salvation, you oppose?
Please read your bible, we do not have the ability to save ourselves. We are dead in sin! Read Jeremiah 17:9-the phrase 'desperately wicked' means 'to be incurable, to be sick'. Also, Ephesians 2:1, 'and you hath He quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sin'.
Both these passages make it clear, the human heart, mind, will and nature is in bondage to sin, spiritually dead to the things of God. When something is dead, it is incapable of responding. Why can we not swallow our pride and understand salvation is of the Lord, given as a gift by His grace? This goes against the grain of human thinking & pride, we cannot fathom having no part in salvation. We insist we've played a small role, yet, the Bible teaches differently. "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble"- may He be gracious to all who believe in salvation based on a free will.

News Item2/18/09 1:03 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Oh, if only persecution were to break out in this country! How the professing Christians would then scatter like cockroaches in the light, leaving behind the remnant. Christianity in this country is laughable; it is whittled down to a few steps...
1. pray the 'sinner's prayer'
2. Make a decision
3. walk this aisle
4. sign the back of this card
5. get baptized
6. invite Jesus into your heart

We must pray for persecution to come if we are to see lost souls saved in this country.

News Item2/18/09 12:29 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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CU~ not that it is any of your concern, but Michael Hranek and I e-mail each other off these boards, I consider him a brother in Christ. We may differ on some things, but it doesn't cause division.
As for the video on faith being God's gift, you are in error; this isn't a 'Washer video'.

You are right, it is pointless in writing to me, I will not nor do not agree with wrong theology.

News Item2/18/09 12:01 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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CU~ So, because I refuse to be drug onto your merry-go-round, you react with a lame accusation of me being against clarity of thought? Okay...well, you are certainly entitled to your 'opinion'. I apologize I won't 'play with you today', but I do not make sport of rattling the cages of others. I do hold dear to my heart all my brothers and sisters in Christ; those who are humble, loving, and in that same love, correct me when I am wrong. They are a blessing to me, may the Lord be praised!
May I repeat, only God can reveal truth, man's debating must at some point cease; there comes a time we must no longer cast our pearls to pigs.

p.s.-I don't mind being called names {thin-skinned}, nor do I mind the accusations of having others contend for me {Paul Washer comment}, nor do I mind the accusation of 'selective hearing!
I fear the Lord and would rather honor Him than be drug into endless, meaningless debates!!!

News Item2/18/09 11:41 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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CU~ I was already bracing for your comeback;I spoke truth about your continual arguing; we are not called to bicker with one another.
In the end, only God can reveal spiritual truth. To continue to go round and round is not God-honoring, nor is it the way we should spend our time.
Go down to Lurker's post, click on Eph.2:8,9, and watch this dynamic truth-filled video. {Michael H.-I pray you will watch this video as well}
BTW~I base my beliefs on what God's word teaches, not on Calvin. If he believes the same way I do, it must be because that is what God's Spirit teaches through His word.

Good day to you

News Item2/18/09 11:18 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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CU~It's apparent you have an argumentative, divisive spirit. You have jumped over from another thread to continue this endless debate. You automatically label me because of a text I quoted.
In that verse, who quickens? Why must He quicken? We are all in bondage to sin, until Christ frees us; we are slaves to sin. We aren't talking physical death, but spiritual. 'Dead' in that passages means - spiritually dead, destitute of a life that recognizes and is devoted to God, because of being given to trespasses ans sins-www.blueletterbible.org

News Item2/18/09 10:59 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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It is clear the labels of calvinism vs. arminianism are where the real problem lies.
Drop the labels, and simply read what God says...Ephesians 2:1, "And you hath He quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins". How do the dead bring themselves to life apart from Divine intervention? How does a lost sinner, whose heart is dead, bring him/herself to Christ?

I am always reminded of this from the Lord Jesus, 'for without me ye can do nothing'{John 15:5}.
I am convinced the 'storms of life' are never-ending, they are sent to keep us humble,to keep us ever relying on our Lord, and to remind us we bring nothing to the table.

Rather than continually arguing over whether we help God in the salvation process, open His word, pray, ask for His wisdom and understanding, and remember to be kind when addressing others.

p.s. thank you Lurker!

Survey2/17/09 6:25 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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DJC49, thank you for the link, I would like to point out from that, this statement, 'What is faith? Now, first we must answer the question generally, and here I would start with a negative. We must stress the fact that it is not something natural. People often put it like this to us. They say, 'faith is a natural faculty that every person has.' Then, these are the illustrations they use, 'you go by train from London to Brighton and immediately you're exercising faith'. Now I entirely dissent from that argument and I think it is very important that we should disagree with it.

I encourage others to read the article for themselves.

News Item2/17/09 4:13 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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DJC49~thank you for posting the hyperlink. I am grateful to Almighty God for the bold preaching of Pastor Paul Washer, God has raised this man up for His glory. Washer is not a man pleaser, he preaches with the power of God's Spirit. I realize he is still flesh and bones, and pray for him and others like him who stand firm in the faith, all by God's doing.

For those who don't believe faith is a gift, watch this video at www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3dodm97SY4&eurl=http://www.bloodtippedears.blogspot.com/

P.S.~DJC49, if you would hyperlink, I'd appreciate it.

News Item2/17/09 2:53 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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DJC49~ the verse you quoted from Jeremiah 17:9 says it all. The meaning of the phrase 'desperately wicked' is this-incurably sick. How does one 'cure' him/herself of a terminal disease, in this case, a dead sinful heart? Repeating a prayer won't do, making a decision isn't possible, mans' methods work as far as increasing church attendance, but those same methods also increase the population of the broad road. Only God saves lost sinners, all by His grace. I have heard it said 'it isn't that God saves some, it's that He saves any!'.
The doctrine of regeneration is all but absent in most of today's pulpits. If God has done a work in a heart, it will manifest itself in thought, word and deed. There will be a change in a true convert of Christ. For all who claim Christ by their own doing, I tremble with fear for you.

News Item2/17/09 1:59 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Mike, it would appear you have misinterpreted my original post. I was referencing to those who coax people to salvation with man's methods, 'pray this prayer', 'choose Jesus', 'make a decision'. None of these methods are in scripture. The clear presentation of the Gospel must be presented, 'I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth' Romans 1:16
Let me say again, the Gospel is what we are called to proclaim, not ready-made prayer.

The response is NOT our concern, we are called to share the Gospel, we are not responsible for the outcome. If we allow the Spirit to lead, He will guide us. We do not need to figure out for ourselves 'what to do next'.

News Item2/17/09 1:19 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Mike~where in scripture is this prayer of salvation found? When sharing the Gospel, why tack on some added work {i.e., pray this little prayer, and you'll be saved}? No one can come to Christ unless the Father draws him; God draws by breaking the prideful sinner through the Gospel, not some repeated prayer. If, by His grace, someone where to be saved after repeating any prayer, it wasn't the prayer that saved them...it was God's grace. Scripture does give us a prayer for the lost to follow, "O God, have mercy on me, a sinner". Watch this video, at www.iamhis-lyn.blogspot.com/2009/02/blog-post.html

Candlelit~ there is a wonderful study on the attributes of God available at www.heartcrymissionary.com/resources/online_books
The study is put together by Paul Washer, and is entitled 'One True God'. It is a free download, available in pdf. This should be a recommended study for many.

News Item2/17/09 9:23 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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The problem with the Southern Baptists is their hangup on numbers, then their boasting of the increase. The evangelistic style of the SBC adds numbers...to the broad road. They encourage the lost sinner to 'invite Jesus into their heart', or 'make a decision', 'pray a prayer', 'choose Jesus'. None of this is biblical! Pastor Paul Washer nails them on this time and time again. The method of salvation SBC style is just as deadly as anything taught by the RCC, or radical Islam.
The Lord Jesus Christ adds to His church, not based on 'mans' decision' to accept Him, but based on God's grace.
There is no earthly denomination that can claim to be His church, the true church is made up of called out ones from all walks of life, spread out all over the globe. True church planting is done when the true Gospel is preached, and the lost sinner is broken over his/her sins. Only the power of God can break through a sin-hardened heart, not some flippant decision or mechanical prayer.

News Item2/14/09 11:27 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Freddie~ here's a passage from 2 Corinthians 10:5, 'We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take EVERY thought captive to obey Christ'.
Fill your mind with God's word, and you won't have room to dwell on your sexual desires. When your eyes come upon an image that leads you to lust, quickly look away. Christ commands us to take sin serious, and avoid it at all cost, "If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell" Matt. 5:29
If an illicit thought enters your mind, replace it with scripture. Cry out to God to give you a heart that fears Him, a heart that desires what He desires. If you are struggling with sexual temptation, you must go before the Lord, not come on these boards and try to round up some sort of group discussion. This truly is very serious Freddie, may God intervene quickly. We will pray for you.

Sermon2/13/09 10:25 AM
Lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lyn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Washer hammers on the easy believism so prevalent in America, the 'praying a prayer' syndrome. He preaches, from the bible, on what a true disciple looks like, from the inside. If you know someone who prayed a prayer and think they are saved, invite them to listen to this sermon.

News Item2/12/09 2:47 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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The first two sentences of this article add to the compiled heap of evidence the RCC church is apostate, it's the 'harlot'; part of the Laodicean church that will permeate the ends of the earth during the latter days. Let us pray for all who are caught in this delusion, may God have mercy on their souls as they cling to man-made heresies, rituals, traditions, and in so doing override the only source of truth there is, the Holy Bible. To claim Darwin was correct is to say God's creation account in Genesis is a fabricated fable. It doesn't get more heretical than that, yet, millions will STILL call a sinful man 'Holy Father', many will still partake of a false Jesus found in a compressed wafer, washing it all down with wine purchased at a liquor store. All the while, they think the next stop after this life is purgatory, even that isn't a guarantee...how terribly sad.

News Item2/11/09 2:53 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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John Y.~ your misconceptions continue...your loyalty to a denomination has clouded your ability to reason. The Baptist denomination is just as sin-infested as all the others. The running joke is 'SBC-slowly becoming Catholic'. For example, Bill Clinton claims to be a Southern Baptist, as does Al Gore, and Jimmy Carter {although he now has 'distanced himself from them}. I almost forgot to mention the 'pride and joy' of the SBC...Rick Warren.

Please lose the RCC thinking, the true church of Jesus Christ is not any denomination, it is a body of believers from all walks of life, following the Lamb in obedience to His word.

It isn't about loyalty to a denomination {i.e., 'I'm a Baptist, I'm a Presbyterian', etc} it's all about being born from above. Only God can save lost sinners, not based on 'denomination', but on His grace. Instead of hoping Obama becomes a 'Baptist', pray God will save his soul.

Survey2/10/09 11:45 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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For ml~ a brother in Christ sent me this, I think it is beneficial for the truth you are trying to make. Read Philippians 3:9,"And be found in Him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is THROUGH THE FAITH OF CHRIST, the righteousness which is of God by faith" {KJV}. Many translations get this wrong, saying righteousness is 'through faith IN Christ'. It is God's faithfulness, His gift, that keeps me faithful.
Prayerfully this will help you ml in your stance for truth. God bless

Sermon2/9/09 4:20 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This message was a blessing. Pastor Rugh speaks clearly on what has always plagued the church, false teachers. There is an influx of them in these last days. I recommend this to all, it is so relevant for the church today.
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