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News Item1/1/19 2:47 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Unprofitable Servant, I completely agree, awesome points. No one will be able to counter, guy from Mississippi you need to read some books before you speak. To those in the medical field you sound ridiculous. Read about how herd immunity works, people who don’t vaccinate do put others at risk. Maybe Unprofitable Servant can send you in the right place.

News Item1/1/19 1:45 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Hey, not so Quiet Christian. I may have missed something but I didn’t read anything in Jim’s comment that was signifying that children with autism are with less than children who don’t? Not did I see that he thought is always a laughing matter? I do agree with Jim. There is no proof that vaccines cause this. All of it was fabricated. I believe that we are seeing increases in things ie cancer, autism, etc simply because we are becoming more advanced in catching things early. How many people had autism in the Middle Ages but we didn’t know it? How many people died from cancer in the Middle Ages but people just thought people got sick and died. There is a correlation that in the advancement in medicine the increase of diseases are on the rise. But, we also are living longer than we ever have. That should tell you sonerhing. Also, with autism and vaccines, coralation does not me causation. Just keep that in mind. I also don’t think we should get our facts from ex porn stars (Jenny McCarthy) or pseudo science. Our God is the God of truth. I don’t think it is a laughing matter, I just ask that you seek the truth and really try and see another view.

News Item12/13/18 9:15 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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I think a distinction needs to be made between Matt 4:1 and James 1:13. God himself tempts no one, but he does have the power to lead us to a place to where we are tempted, or by him, but by satan, demons, etc. as in the case of Matt 4:1

News Item12/13/18 9:06 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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I went to multiple IFB churches for over 15 years span. I agree with Jim. Very little accountability from my experience. Tim, I don’t think I or him are ready to shoot the shepherd, it’s just most of IFB churches are run by a single elder model, which is unbiblical. Most of the time I see crazy looney pastors on tv news saying something stupid, it’s an IFB pastor.

News Item12/13/18 8:15 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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I agree Jim. Always a good idea to have a board of elders. Putting everything on one guy is not smart in church, business, etc. plus, it’s biblical. Also, IFB churches can be very cultic and since there is no checks and balances, there is no end in site people like Stephen Anderson and Westboro Baptist in Topeka are loonies who will have a double condemnation on their souls if they do not repent. They lead so many others astray.

News Item11/29/18 7:02 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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sc wrote:
How is this different from drinking coffee?

sc. what I meant about comparing coffee and alcohol is not that they are the same. But that ANYTHING that we are enslaved to, is sin. If someone does not get their nightly beer and it totally makes them upset, angry, agitated, this prolly means that your drinking is indeed sin. But the same goes for coffee as well. Both are substances that affect the senses. So the question is “Why is it look bad upon to have an occasional drink of beer and not be enslaved to it, but it is totally okay to be “cranky” in the morning because they have not had their coffee”? One has this stigma that is totally a western thing the other we drink loads of at an ungodly level I might add in the fellowship hall and that is totally ok! I think that someday people will prolly look at our caffeine consumption and liken it to smoking. Just my thoughts

News Item11/28/18 10:42 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Sorry, forgot one more thing. Biblically we would be able to use grape juice in communion and be just as biblical as those who drink wine. The Bible defines it as “fruit of the vine”. Some use grape juice, some use wine, both are the “fruit of the vine”.

News Item11/28/18 10:40 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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No. I am not saying people get a buzz from communion. Nor was I saying that I get buzzed myself. I was just contrasting how we as American Christians at least have this huge problem with letting wine relax us but have absolutely no problem having coffee to the extent of getting a caffeine high. Also this argument of not letting a brother stumble doesn’t work for me cuz then we prolly shouldn’t be drinking coffee as the Jehovah’s Witness’ see it as a sin and if there was one who had just converted that could be a stumbling block for them. Ultimately, if I know that somebody has had an issue or is having an issue with alcoholism, I won’t drink. But if not, I will. I personally think the pride that some have from never drinking is far more destructive than just having a glass of wine.

News Item11/28/18 10:34 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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When I say freedom I mean we have freedom in Christ to do things to the glory of God. I eat or drink with thanksgiving and it is holy by prayer and the word of God as it says in 1 Tim. 4:5. Also, Is. 25:6 days that God will provide us with “well aged wine well refined”. I think it is very clear that drinking is not an intrinsic evil.

News Item11/28/18 9:23 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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@sc Luke 7:33-34 says that John the Baptist didn’t drink wine and had a very strict diet. But then the next vs says that they called Jesus a glutton (because he did not have a strict diet) and a drunkard ( because he drank). Also, the Passover took place 6 months after the grape harvest. Because there is no way to persevere it i.e. refrigeration the drink they drank would have had some alcohol in it. This is not a matter of sin (if drank responsibly) it is a matter of Christian freedom. And conscience. Also, this talk about a “buzz” I don’t get. Having a buzz does not mean your drunk, how is that different from drinking coffee to feel more alert? Both affect the senses and if drank in excess, both are sin. The wine in the Bible also was definitely wine. It had medicinal purposes, Paul urged Timothy to drink for the sake of his stomach (1 Tim. 5:23) and they would pour it over wounds to help purify (Lk 10:34)

Sermon7/23/17 3:44 PM
Benjamin | Portland, OR  Find all comments by Benjamin
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for the encouraging word, always get encouraged by your preaching brother. Be encouraged by God and in His love for His people. He has given us Christ, we have it all.

Sermon6/22/15 12:26 PM
Benjamin | West Texas  Find all comments by Benjamin
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“ Reply to 'Reply to Benjamin' ”
You don't know me. I know who Gipp's teacher is. I am not "disciple of Ruckmanites." I know Ruckman's teaching, and I DESPISE his "advanced revelation" nonsense. Jesus Christ alone is my "hero." I believe Gipp has some great information to offer in his writings. Just because he was under Ruckman's direct teaching doesn't mean he's as much of a "Ruckmanite" as one would expect. Just look at his "Understandable History"! Every pig has its bacon. Just because "Ruckman...calls them what I call them" doesn't mean he's right. The point remains: the different editions are EDITIONS, not "revisions." Every single change is the correction of a typo. This cannot compare to the TENS OF THOUSANDS of differences between different revisions of modern bibles (which come out every decade or two). You find altogether different readings, often without the copyright date even changing. See different NKJVs in Zach. 13:6. See also Will Kinney, "Ever Changing ESVs" (brandplucked.webs.com) and Laurence Vance, "Double Jeopardy." "Which KJV do you use, hmmm???" Well, which NKJV? Which ESV? Which NASB? Which NIV? ("Ill-informed, huh?) Again: I am not a fan of Ruckman. I haven't read his books yet, and I don't look forward to it.

Sermon4/2/15 5:14 PM
Benjamin | West Texas  Find all comments by Benjamin
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“ Reply to Bill ”
There is no such thing as KJV "revisions." See Sam Gipp, "Answer Book," question #5. He that answerETH a matter before he hearETH it, it is folly and shame unto him.

Sermon2/25/15 3:56 PM
Benjamin | West Texas  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Bible Versions
Dr. Sam Gipp
If you love Samuel Gipp before hearing his "Bible Versions," you'll love him even more afterwards. In this message he not only puts together much of the good stuff from his other SermonAudio.com messages; he keeps the listener laughing all the way through. He has several men come up to the front and read out of several different "bible" versions. He shows in possibly the best way possible that we have far more problems with the modern translations than just doctrinal differences. There are serious changes made that have nothing to do with doctrine. Modern bibles are just plain stupid, and it's simple as that. At the end, he exposes what is happening silently in churches across the board by having all his men read Psalm 23 out of their different versions at once. THAT is what's divisive. It's simply hilarious to listen to. Listen to this sermon. It'll save you some time if you aren't available to listen to fifty other messages.

Sermon2/27/13 12:20 AM
Benjamin | Canada, British Columbia  Find all comments by Benjamin
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The sermon doesn't start for the first 6 or 7 minutes.

Sermon1/12/13 1:30 PM
Benjamin  Contact via emailFind all comments by Benjamin
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When Silence Becomes Sin
Reg Kelly
“ Reg Kelly Top 10 ”
I feel it appropriate to label this sermon as one of Pastor Kelly's top ten greatest. The message is true and it applies not only to the individual but to all of us as Christians, living in an evil time. Christianity needs to leave our church houses and flood every aspect of life. From Government, to marriage, to family, to schools and to the work place. Praise God for men like Pastor Kelly and Churches like Liberty Faith!

Sermon8/3/12 1:42 AM
Benjamin | Louisiana  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Deviant Worship 2
Dr. Mark Minnick
“ thank you! ”
I needed this sermon.

News Item6/3/12 4:50 PM
Benjamin | Linares  Find all comments by Benjamin
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No wonder America is the way it is, we should be ashamed Of ourselves for putting this junk out!!

Sermon2/7/12 10:36 PM
Benjamin | Louisiana  Contact via emailFind all comments by Benjamin
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How Satan Gets Into Your Head
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Thank You ”
This sermon was well-planned and well-delivered. I learned how to fight Satan. I feel much better about myself!

Sermon1/6/12 12:38 AM
Benjamin | Louisiana  Contact via emailFind all comments by Benjamin
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“ 34 year old ”
The idea of little pockets of unmortified sin as a deadly spiritual pathogen made me cringe. Thanks for the reminder. I appreciate the warnings, and your real world examples.
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