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Survey12/21/06 3:38 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"If you read the Bible at least half as much as you do your Calvinist divines, I would serious doubt you would remain a Calvinist."

Yamil, If you read your Bible at least half as much as you listen to and accept without question your New Age Antinomian Baptist mentors-- read your Bible as much as you read their books and "study helps," and memorized whatever they required of you without question in "cemetary" (assuming you went to cemetary), you would not remain a New Age Antinomian Baptist either.

Survey12/21/06 1:37 PM
Name Tagger | King James Bible  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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There's really only two divisions, and they're not Arminian and Calvinist.

It's truth vs lies, heresies vs. sound doctrine.

It's Antinomianism/Fatalism versus Holiness/Free Will/Responsibility.

Christianity vs. Paganism.

The right nametags can be applied by referring to The Book, the King James Bible, which says we'll know them by their fruit.

New Age Antinomian Baptists produce gospel-hardened reprobates who cause the way of God to be evil spoken of.

Calvinism has no monopoly on heresy, fatalism/antinomianism. Satan is not limited in ways to spread and institutionalize heresies, ie. Scofield Bibles, cult heros like Darby; Antinomians Hunt, Stanley, MacArthur, Robertson, Falwell, many others, along with their colleges, books, radio & TV programs, Sunday School materials.

Ear-tickling heresies are immortalized, institutionalized and spread far and wide, trapping millions of sheeple in damnable heresies easily exploded by Scripture.

But few are willing to drop out of the lemming parade and trust God's Word above all this influence, and, rather, absorb the devil's lies like sponges through media, cemetary, church and adult Sunday School, dutifully take notes and believe every word like lemmings.

Survey12/20/06 5:19 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"'Hath' is possessive. It speaks of ownership. Your god is an indian giver. My God is not. Either eternal life is a gift, or it is not. Your philosophy requires it to be a loan, not a gift."

It's not philosophy, it's Bible. Salvation isn't a loan, it's a free gift with CONDITIONS. If God forgives you and you fail to forgive your neighbor, God will take back His forgiveness. Remember?

God tells us the conditions throughout the Bible, but we seem to think they apply to everybody but us.

If you want to play dumb and think of your salvation like a box of valentine candy somebody gave you, God didn't say that, and you're not reading your Bible correctly.

Jesus died to make a way for our sins to be forgiven, to restore fellowship with God. We're expected to use the power He gives to be good stewards, good servants, to bear much fruit. We aren't to quench and grieve the Holy Spirit, to go dry.

We're commanded and expected to die to self and live to God, to fulfil the first commandment to love God with all our heart, soul and mind and our neighbor as ourself.

We're to examine ourselves all the time to see if we be in the faith and work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. Our life is a time of sifting and trying of our faith.

Survey12/20/06 4:52 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"Do you or do you not hold to the same position as the Antinomians in the first 4 points of Arminianism?"

I'd say the opposite. The points of Arminianism that were laid out by a Calvinist and from a Calvinist perspective are still all the opposite of Antinomianism.

Antinomians say your salvation is not conditional, that you can never lose your salvation no matter what, and that it is possible to be a wicked sinner in the flesh and a holy saint in the spirit.

Perseverence of the saints -- the Calvinists are less Antinomian than the New Age Antinomian Baptists on this point, but both New Age Antinomian Baptists and Calvinists agree with Antinomianism to greater and lesser degrees, that salvation is separate from behavior or works and fatalistically believe that man is not responsible for his behavior, that God is responsible.

Arminianism says we must be overcomers, we can lose our salvation, and we haven't run the race and don't win the prize until we get to the finish line which is the time of our death, that we work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, seeking to be led by God and to obey God's commands to serve and be holy.

Survey12/20/06 4:35 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"When you lose your temper, you lose your salvation. Everytime you don't show love for a brother in Christ, you lose your salvation. Everytime you worry, you lose your salvation. Everytime you don't tithe, you lose your salvation. Everytime you falsely accuse a brother, you lose your salvation."

No, not true. Walk in the Spirit and we won't fulfil the lusts of the flesh, says Bible. We don't know exactly when we cross over the line, but if we're out of fellowship with God that's a good indication. If we're dry, that means we've lost the Holy Spirit. If our spirit doesn't bear witness, that means we're dry.

Obviously we can go dry. The Bible says so. Read the Parable of the 10 Virgins. Why did Jesus tell that story? To warn us so we would not go dry. So listen. Don't be wilfully blind and deaf. Listen. It's plain that those virgins, betrothed to the bridegroom, went dry. It's not that they couldn't have filled their lamps, but they didn't fill them and ran out of time.

Get the picture?

Survey12/20/06 4:28 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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Sorry, Huh, but the Antinomians are fatalists. They think their body is sinful and there's nothing they can do about it, but they are still pure in their spirits, that God doesn't care what they do, that God is pulling all the strings anyway, and since God causes all the evil in the world anyway why worry about personal sin. They think all their sins are all "paid for," that Jesus was already punished for their sins, and why worry about committing sins that have already been paid for. They believe no matter what they do, they can never, ever lose their salvation -- that David was a murderer and adulterer, blah, blah, so what the hey.

You are labeling the Antinomians as Arminians.

So get your name tags right, okay?

Arminians are not (shudder) Antinomians.

Survey12/20/06 4:18 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"(please note salvation has everything to do with the regeneration that occurs when one is born again and given a new nature and sealed with the Holy Spirit as God's own purchased possession)"

Salvation can be lost. When you are saved and given a new nature, you still have an old nature, the "Old Man." Bible commands you to RECKEN yourself dead to sin, alive to God. To crucify the flesh. If you don't, if you do not walk in the Spirit, you will grieve, quench and insult the Holy Spirit away.

The Holy Spirit is the seal. Long as you hve the seal, nothing can snatch you uot of God's hand. But if you lose the Holy Spirit, as five of the 10 betrothed virgins did, you will die dry as they were, and you will go to Hell.

I'm telling you, these churches are lying about this Eternal Security stuff. It's ear tickling lies that is taking people right into Hell. It is not what the Bible teaches.

Read Dan Corner online. The Bible does not teach eternal security. Just the opposite. Face the truth.

These teachings are out of the pits of hell in order to deceive you and take you to Hell, but God says: Do not be deceived. Bible lists many sins that will send people straight to Hell, repeats Do Not Be Deceived.

So don't. Don't be deceived.

Survey12/20/06 4:01 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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If it could be taken back, would it be a gift?

Yes it would still be a gift even if it was taken back.

The gift was given of eternal life on condition of eternal faith.

No faith, no eternal life.

Faith without works is dead. Dead faith is worse than no faith at all.

That's Bible.

Survey12/20/06 3:57 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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Michael, God does correct his own. But we can still become lost. Some will just run father away the more they are chastised. Bible even speaks of those who will endure suffering and those who won't.

The prodigal son could have reverted to stealing and murder to solve his poverty problem. Instead, he repented and turned back to his father. There was no guarantee he would make the right choice.

Survey12/20/06 3:55 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"Hath is present tense, and possessive. The believer is the owner of eternal life. He "is passed from death unto life." It is done. There is no passing back and forth from death to life to death to life, etc.

Present tense you say? Present tense means here and now. Things can always change in the future. Future tense?

When we are saved, we are saved from PAST sins. We need to be saved from present and future sins the same as past ones.

If you are saved at this instant and die you will go to Heaven. But if it is 10 years later and you have grieved away the Holy Spirit and you die, you will die in your sins and go to Hell.

Eternal life is for those who are not dry when they die (read Romans 8).

It's obvious we CAN lose our salvation, in spite of what so many 501C3 pastors claim otherwise, who have attended Jesuit infiltrated Illuminati controlled seminaries and worship at the feet of people like Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Billy Graham -- Freemasons all.

Survey12/20/06 3:45 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"Once you have been born from above, it's permanent."

That's what you say. That's not what the Bible says.

Parable of the Sower, first three examples lost their salvation. First example lost it because he believed lies (heresies) and the faith was destroyed. Second example stopped believing when it was not convenient or comfortable to do so. Third example got hung up in the world and his faith just died.

Parable of the 10 virgins, shows 5 of the betrothed virgins had "gone dry" of the Holy Spirit and were shut out of the marriage feast. Romans 8 says you must die with the Holy Spirit to be raised to Heaven.

Parable of the lazy servant. Was thrown into Hell.

Parable of unjust servant. Also went to Hell.

Teaching of the debtor who would not forgive. That which he had been previously forgiven was retracted and he was punished double.

There's many warnings we can read in the four gospels of Jesus preaching to his own disciples about Hell, how to stay out and how to get to Heaven. Why? Were they not already saved? If they died at that instant, where would they have gone? Answer: All the disciples were saved, but needed to hear how to stay that way.

Survey12/20/06 3:39 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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Harbach -- to claim Billy Graham is Arminian is a joke.

Billy Graham does not condemn abortion, is a freemason, and preaches easy believism and Once Saved Always Saved.

Billy Graham is an Antinomian, a devil-worshipping Freemason, a controlled agent of the Illuminati to lead multitudes into complacency and damnation of their souls.

It is impossible to be Arminian and Antinomian at the same time.

Don't these wicked Antinomians WISH they could claim Arminius to be in their camp! Never happen!

Survey12/20/06 3:33 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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Quotes by Jacob Arminius on eternal security:

from the volumes:

Jacobus Arminius, The Works of James Arminius, trans. James and William Nichols

"If David had died in the very moment in which he had sinned against Uriah by adultery and murder, he would have been condemned to death eternal. vol. 2, page 725

"As regards the opinions of the Fathers, you doubtless know that almost all antiquity is of that judgment, that believers may fall away and perish." Vol 3 pp. 455


I checked out this information on Dan Corner's website where he responds to Antinomian Dave Hunt, who is trying to claim Arminius has identical theology with Hunt. Hunt preaches Once Saved Always Saved. See this long article with lots more quotes:


Survey12/20/06 2:57 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"Teacher" == where did you get your "five points of Arminianism? Did you make them up yourself?

They don't sound right, especially the part that Arminians believe in Once Saved Always Saved.

You don't even mention the Holy Spirit or holy living. Would you mind providing the source of your "five point" definition?


Survey12/20/06 2:53 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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Michael H, You and I have different "name tags" on our words.

To you "saved" means a permanent state that can never change.

To me, "saved" means present forgiveness and atoning of sins PAST by the blood of Jesus, restoring relationship with God. Such relationship is subject to being broken in many ways, as spelled out in hundreds of Bible verses, (which I can post a partial list if you want.)

Unless we walk in the Spirit, keep repenting when we fail, we will grieve the Spirit away.

If we "do despite to" or insult the Holy Spirit, we seriously and actively sin.

If we "grieve" the Holy Spirit we live in constant sin.

If we "quench" the Spirit, we ignore the Holy Spirit's leading, fail to listen and obey.

It's possible to quench, grieve or insult the Holy Spirit away, to become dry and die in our sins, as in the parable of the five virgins. It's also possible to repent and be restored also, as the Prodigal Son.

Billy Graham and his friends preach easy believism/Antinomianism. Graham is a Freemason, so is Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell; and the church has been infiltrated and corrupted. Judgment Day, obviously, per the Bible, is about works, about who is and isn't an overcomer-- not about who has and who has not said a Sinner's Prayer, sincerely or otherwise.

Survey12/20/06 1:13 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"Calvinists simply believe that "sound doctrine" as espoused by Calvin (Ex cathedra) in his 'Institutes' is the one thing needful for salvation."

New Age Baptists are the same. It's all about believing and defending dry doctrine, especially as it relates to once saved always saved.

The New Age Baptists have adopted much of the thinking and doctrines of the Calvinists, even if they reject John Calvin and his Institutes per se.

They believe in total depravity, unconditional election and their version of "perseverence of the saints" (eternal security or once-saved-always-saved) is even more Fatalist than that of the Calvinists.

Survey12/20/06 12:48 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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Luther was a Rosicrucian.

Survey12/20/06 12:20 PM
Name Tagger | The Bible Says  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"And men who are not changed by God for God have serious grounds to question whether they are saved or not."

Changed like Care Bears go around sprinkling happy dust on people?

No. We still have an Old Man who we must crucify. We must do the reckoning as dead to sin and alive to Christ. The new creature in Christ can wither on the vine, and the Old Man can triumph. A new believer has a choice to go back to the old way, or to walk in the new as an overcomer. Whoever gives up to the Old Man, fails to crucify him, will die in his sins and go to Hell.

God doesn't force us. We are the ones to do the walking, the choosing. This is not something we can put on God, say that if we're still a rotton sinner it must mean we were never saved.

Maybe we were really saved at one time, but spurned God, ignored, grieved and quenched his Spirit and just dried up on the vine.

Only Antinomians believe they're not responsible for their choices.

Survey12/20/06 11:59 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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Noisette, Albert, Arthur, Secundus, whoever, --

please stop insulting the true Arminians by labeling JD and Yamil to be Arminian.

They are anything but Arminian.

If you don't know what an Arminian is, you should find out. The main characteristic of an Arminian is a belief that salvation can be lost, that the Holy Spirit can be grieved away by failing to walk in the Spirit, to obey God, to be an overcomer.

Both Yamil and JD would go on for weeks insisting that salvation cannot be lost under any circumstances.

In that regard they are Antinomian, not Arminian.

The main difference between Arminian and Calvinist is accepting or rejecting free will. New Age Antinomian Baptists who believe they cannot lose their salvation are Fatalist in their beliefs, as much or more than the Calvinists, when it comes to keeping their salvation.

Jacob Arminius did not believe in Once Saved Always Saved, nor a pretrib rapture, nor dispensationalism, nor any of the other New Age heresies that Yamil and JD believe.

Most of all, Arminius did not believe one was eternally secure just because he may have had a momentary burst of faith and decided to ask Jesus to save him.

Survey12/20/06 11:03 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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Rev. Whale, Inspector Clouseau, Miersma, Fletch, Arthur, Secundus, John Calvin, Winston Smith, etcetera --

you win the grand prize for having the most aliases!

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