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Sermon7/7/2020 12:58 PM
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“ TMNT: Nephilim Turtles ”
While this sermon primarily mentions Marvel and DC superheroes, it should be noted that the TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) are really demonic Nephilim turtles known as the Teenage Mutant Nephilim Turtles. We realize that Satanic abominations were also a cross between human and animal, which is exactly what the Nephilim Turtles are. There were also demonic yōkai (よかい) in Japanese folklore called the kappa (かっぱ), which were demonic turtle humanoids. Also, martial arts like ninjutsu (にんじゅつ), the art of the ninja (にんじゃ), are rooted in Satanic Buddhism. Ninjutsu is known for its many skills and all of them are rooted in demonic possession and witchcraft since the ninja themselves were devil possessed witches. As TMNT has demonstrated, it is centered on both Satanic Nephilim as well as the Satanic witchcraft practiced by the ninja known as ninjutsu.

Sermon7/7/2020 12:29 PM
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“ Stitch: Genetic Abomination From Outer Space ”
It should be noted that Stitch, who was first introduced in Lilo & Stitch in 2002, is really a genetic abomination from outer space. Although he resembles a blue koala, he has serrated teeth in his mouth as well as four arms. As we know, aliens are really fallen angels as well as Nephilim (נְפִילִים), and the Nephilim, which are the offspring of fallen angels, have their origins in Genesis 6:1–4. This shows that even media geared towards general audiences like Lilo & Stitch are making abominations like the Nephilim look like heroes in the public eye, even though the Nephilim are abominations in The Sight of The Lord.

Sermon7/7/2020 12:23 PM
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“ Davy Jones: Ugly Demonic Freak ”
It should be noted that Davy Jones, whose first introduction was in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest in 2006, is really an ugly demonic freak. Then again, the Kraken controlled by Davy Jones, which was also introduced in the same film, is also an ugly demonic freak as well. As a grotesque abomination, Davy Jones is captain of a ship called the Flying Dutchman. As we know, the octopus humanoid called Davy Jones has his origins in the Nephilim in Genesis 6:1–4 as do all other ugly demonic freaks. The word Nephilim (נְפִילִים) literally means the fallen in Hebrew since they are the offspring of fallen angels. It can be clearly noted that Davy Jones and his Kraken are both fallen beings.

Sermon7/6/2020 2:31 PM
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“ American Patriotism: Religion of Idolatry ”
It appears that America has created a new false religion in the form of American patriotism. As we know, American patriotism is a religion of idolatry. We know that like the rebellious Vatican, America is also guilty of spreading idolatry across the globe. The American flag and all other American symbols are idols now present in churches today. We ought to adhere to Romans 13:1-7, but even obeying Romans 13:1-7 would require us to oppose idolatry of the heart. Even the secular media and people of other nations can see the idolatrous character of American patriotism. As this sermon demonstrates, American patriotism is detestable in The Eyes of The Lord because it is an idolatry of both the heart and a worship of American symbols like the stars and stripes. No wonder John Calvin, The Father of Reformed Theology, warned that the human heart is a factory of idols. This factory of idols is called America and American patriotism is a visible manifestation of that idol worship. Worth noting Exodus 20:3-6 in response to this craze of idolatry across America.

Sermon7/6/2020 2:18 PM
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When Patriotism Becomes Idolatry
Rev. James C. Gallagher
“ America: Land of Idolatry ”
America has become a land where the sin of idolatry is highly glamorized. Sadly, many churches across America are guilty of this idolatry since they openly display the golden calf known as the American flag in their sanctuaries and churches. This puts a stumbling block before people's eyes since it leads them to believe that The Lord approves of such American idolatry when Our Lord opposes all manner of idolatry, including American idolatry. It should be noted that any form of nationalism, or national patriotism, including American patriotism, is the sin of idolatry. As we also know, whenever the idolatrous Star-Spangled Banner is played during ceremonial events, people hold their hearts before the stars and stripes as if they are worshiping it. We also realize that the Statue of Liberty in Manhattan harbor is a clear violation of Exodus 20:3-6 since it is a graven image based on a Satanic Roman goddess called Libertas. We realize that the Vatican is not the only nation guilty of idolatry, but America has spread idolatry to every major corner of the globe. If America intends on fulfilling 2 Chronicles 7:14, it must cleanse itself of such idolatrous symbols, including the star spangled banner. No wonder our Puritan forefathers sought to ban idolatry.

Sermon7/5/2020 2:37 PM
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“ America's Decline Into Ochlocracy ”
This sermon shows that America, while appearing to be a virtuous democracy and republic, is now declining into an ochlocracy (a government by the mob). With radical organizations like BLM, MEChA, and so many others having free space to operate on American soil, it shows that America is being thrown into chaos. All mob activity, like riots and revolutions, are a clear violation of Romans 13:1-7. While Romans 13 was written in the days of wicked Emperor Nero, it is very clear that Romans 13 is indicting rebellion against rightly ordained authorities. Of course, America's decline into ochlocracy can be traced back to its toleration of overtly Satanic false religions like Freemasonry, Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and so many others. Then again, all aspects of paganism, even that of the American type, have Satanic and demonic origins. This sermon is a call to repent of the Satanic and demonic spirituality that is plaguing America to this very day.

Sermon7/5/2020 2:23 PM
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“ CGI: Animating Ugly Demonic Monsters ”
While this sermon primarily elaborates on the issue of Hollywood, it should be noted that CGI has been recently animating ugly demonic monsters. Such ugly demonic monsters are rebellion against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. This is because the ugly demonic monsters are all connected with Satan's domain.

Sermon7/5/2020 2:19 PM
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“ Secret American Catholic Ochlocracy ”
This sermon clearly shows how there were Catholic ochlocrats, or possibly even Catholic anarchists, which were involved in the American Revolution against Great Britain. While there are Catholic churches in democratic nations like America, we know that the Catholic church really favors a religious ochlocracy of government by a mob. While not all Catholics are insurrectionists, it does not change the revolutionary roots of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church has been stirring revolutions in the many nations of the world with the intent on overthrowing legitimate authorities like The Protestant Monarchs. This is because the principle objective of the Catholic Church is to unite the world under the leadership of the Antichrist in rebellion against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. As we know, Catholic figures in history like the Borgia family were driven by Satanic rebellion. A sermon like this is needed in response to sinful rebellion of the Catholic type.

Sermon7/5/2020 2:09 PM
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“ Republic and Empire: Secular Humanism ”
It should be noted that both a republic where people elect their leaders and an empire where emperors rule over people are both secular humanistic forms of government. The only difference is the number of people involved. While democracy and republic are both virtuous forms of government, both are of secular and humanistic origin. All the empires of the world, be it the Aztec, Incan, Roman, and Chinese, were all of secular humanistic origin. This sermon is very thought invoking when the issue of government is involved.

Sermon7/5/2020 1:54 PM
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“ Ted Weiland: Dominionist ”
While Ted Weiland who wrote Bible Law Vs. the U.S. Constitution is a born again believer, he espouses the heresy of dominionism, which desires a Christian theocratic monarchy on the earth. One day, a Biblical Monarchy will be eternally established, but until that day comes, we ought to fulfill The Great Commission by Preaching The Gospel of Jesus to all nations of the world. Mr. Ted Weiland does proclaim Biblical Truth, but he is misguided with his dominionist theology.

Sermon7/3/2020 2:12 PM
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“ Remembering New England ”
It is important to remember New England since it was built on Puritan righteousness. Interestingly, New England is known as Xīn Yīnggélán 新英格蘭 in Chinese. The Chinese name for Puritans is Qīngjiàotú 清教徒. This shows that even The Godly Heritage of the Puritans is commemorated even in Chinese.

Sermon7/2/2020 5:42 PM
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“ A Continuation of Previous Preaching ”
This broadcast is a continuation of the sermon in 2013 called Disney: Magic Kingdom or Kingdom of God. Very helpful broadcast in times like these.

Sermon7/2/2020 5:37 PM
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Hollywood: Satanic Roots
Jason Cooley
“ CGI: Animating Ugly Demonic Monsters ”
It should be noted that while CGI is an impressive technology, it has animated ugly demonic monsters. Then again, these ugly monsters are clearly rebellion against The Lord. That is, such ugly monsters are rebellion against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. One notable example is the Pale Man from Pan's Labyrinth in 2006. No doubt that these ugly monsters depicted in films are all part of Satan's plan to prepare the world for the coming Antichrist. It is rather disturbing how CGI has animated Satanic monsters like the Pale Man from Pan's Labyrinth in 2006, Charybdis from Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters in 2013, and Grecklin from Onward in 2020. A sermon like this is a call to exercise sobriety in times where ugly monsters are popularized in movies.

Sermon7/2/2020 1:15 AM
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“ John Calvin: Nonconformist ”
It should be noted that John Calvin (10 July, 1509 – 27 May, 1564), like all the Protestant Reformers, was a nonconformist. The reason why the Protestant Reformers were nonconformists is because they opposed popery since popery is rebellion against The Lord. John Calvin was a great Protestant Reformer worth commemorating in times like these.

Sermon7/1/2020 10:04 PM
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Martial Arts
Robert W. Reed
“ Tameshiwari: Sign of Demonic Possession ”
The term for breaking in martial arts is tameshiwari. The reality is that tameshiwari is a visible manifestation of demonic possession just as the kiai is also a visible manifestation of demonic possession. The Holy Spirit never lead The Apostles to break objects with their bare hands and feet as well as shouting while breaking said objects. In Mark 5:1-20, the demon possessed man broke chains under demonic possession. In similar manner, we see devil possessed practitioners of martial arts breaking objects with their bare hands and feet. This sermon is a call to repent of the demonic and Satanic occult practices known as martial arts.

Sermon7/1/2020 9:51 PM
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“ Peter Ruckman: Legalistic Name Calling ”
As Peter Ruckman demonstrated, he was known for his legalistic name calling as do all other legalists. Peter Ruckman would regularly refer to those who disagree with him as “jack(blank),” “poor, dumb, stupid red legs,” “silly (blank),” “apostolic succession of bloated egotists,” “two-bit junkies,” “two-faced, tin-horned punks,” “incredible idiots,” “egotistical jack legs,” “conservative (blank) whose brains have gone to seed,” “cheap, two-bit punks,” and “stupid, little, Bible-rejecting apostates.” This name calling is what self-righteous legalists often resort to. We remember the example of the authoritarian legalist known as Diotrephes spoken of in 3 John 1:9-11. As we know, Diotrephes was a self-righteous hypocrite just as Peter Ruckman was. If Peter Ruckman was so accustomed to calling people names like "incredible idiot," then it is only appropriate to say that Peter Ruckman was a self-righteous hypocrite. Such self-righteous hypocrisy called legalism is a reproach on The Name of The Lord.

Sermon7/1/2020 2:36 PM
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The English Reformation - Pt 2
Rev. John Wagner
“ Protestant Reformers: Nonconformists ”
It should be noted that our Protestant Reformers of old were nonconformists since they opposed the rebellious Catholic Church. Given that the European Union seeks to revive rebellious popery in Europe as well as the United Nations seeking to spread popery around the world, there is a growing need for more nonconformist old-fashioned Protestant churches. This is why it is helpful to have more Free Presbyterian churches and Bible Presbyterian churches to continue the nonconformist heritage of the Protestant Reformers.

Sermon6/30/2020 12:22 AM
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Martial Arts
Robert W. Reed
“ Kiai: Scream of Devil Possession ”
It should be noted that the kiai in karate is really a scream of devil possession. In taekwondo and other Korean martial arts, the demonic kiai is known as kihap. This sermon is a response to the demonic roots of the martial arts.

Sermon6/29/2020 2:48 PM
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Video Games - Are They Biblical
Roland Hammett
“ Video Games: Occult Franchises ”
Most video game franchises like King of Fighters, Street Fighter, Mario, Donkey Kong Country, Sonic the Hedgehog, and so many other series are known for being occultic as well as vain and imaginary. Given that The Bible condemns vain imaginations, it would also mean that The Bible condemns many of these video game franchises as well. This is not to say that the music in these video games is wrong, but that the occult content is opposed by The Lord. Very helpful sermon on a subject not discussed in most churches today.

Sermon6/29/2020 2:18 PM
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“ Kiai: Devil Possessed Scream ”
Some martial arts like aikido, judo, karate, kendo, and kobudo have a scream called a kiai. Kiai supposedly means "energy". The Biblical Reality is that the kiai of martial arts like karate is really a scream of devil possession. Thus, karateka shouting the kiai are only screaming because they are possessed with devils. It is worth noting the story of Jesus casting out an unclean spirit of a man in the country of the Gadarenes in Mark 5:1-20. This devil possessed man broke chains with demonic power. In a similar manner, devil possessed karateka have broken heavy blocks of concrete and ice with a single knifehand strike under demonic possession. It is also worth noting Leviticus 19:31 in response to martial arts since martial arts practitioners are possessed by familiar spirits. This sermon is a very helpful response to the issue of devil possession. Thankfully, we can look to Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit to cleanse us from all demonic power, especially that of the martial arts.
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