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Sermon10/9/17 4:24 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Our Westminster Confession of Faith
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Silversides presents in this sermon a well reasoned defense of the necessity of creeds and confessions, and also holds forth the excellency of the Westminster Confession of Faith. For a church to state that it believes the Bible or believes in Jesus is too ambiguous, as even many of the cults will say as much. It is necessary to clearly state what a church believes the Bible teaches, which is one of the purposes fulfilled by the Westminster Confession. Pastor Silversides urges everyone to read the Westminster Confession, and we agree! If you've never read it, you'll be amazed at what a helpful guide it is to understanding biblical teaching!

Sermon10/8/17 8:41 AM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Plain reasons for using the KJV Today
Rev David Silversides
“ Excellent Sermon! ”
In this sermon Pastor Silversides makes an invincible defense of the King James/Authorized Version, clearly showing the superior accuracy and reliability of the KJV over all modern "translations." Furthermore, he demonstrates that the necessity of reliance upon the Received Text of scripture and not upon newly discovered manuscripts is a doctrinal matter which all Christians can understand, regardless of whether or not they have knowledge of the original languages. Finally, Pastor Silversides discusses how the modern versions have only increased the confusion and disunity of today's church. If we may make our own observation, it seems evident to us that we Christians are facing grave dangers as Muslims and Roman Catholics flood into our countries, and that we must be praying and working for unity based on the truth of God's word if we are to stand against the perils we are sure to soon encounter. How can we do this if we can't even agree on what the word of God is? May God lead all of those who have departed from his truth in search of novelties to repentance!

Sermon10/7/17 12:38 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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What is the Reformed Faith?
Rev David Silversides
“ Classic! ”
We first heard this sermon about fifteen years ago when we were new to the Reformed faith. A friend who had recently visited in the Loughbrickland congregation gave it to us on cassette tape! We have listened to this sermon many times since, and always find it to be not only profitable, but thrilling! Thank you, Pastor Silversides, and much thanksgiving also to our Sovereign Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

Sermon10/6/17 4:28 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Exhilarating! ”
This "practical" sermon is more than practical, it's exhilarating! What a glorious future awaits the church on earth as all the kings and nations of the world come to serve her glorious head and promote her advancement in the world!

Sermon10/5/17 8:37 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Reformational Preaching! ”
Pastor Beers's powerful demonstration of both the Old and New Testament basis for a national establishment of religion is sure to convince the most skeptical! This sermon offers sound teaching on a topic of great importance and relevance!

Sermon10/4/17 8:41 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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A Biblical Assessment of Halloween
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
A forthright assessment of the popular but wicked holiday, Halloween. If you're uncertain of what the Lord would have you do in regard to this holiday, be sure to listen to this sermon!

Sermon10/4/17 4:05 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Great Sermon! ”
In this sermon Pastor Beers demonstrates the proper relationship between the three biblical teachings of separation of church and state, the national establishment of Christianity, and liberty of conscience. Be prepared to be challenged in your thinking, and to lay worldly notions aside!

Sermon10/3/17 4:56 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon provides a clear, concise summary of the four main views of church/state relations, as well as an excellent preliminary presentation and defense of the biblical establishment principle, which alone gives due honor and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ!

Sermon8/27/17 12:04 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this thought provoking broadcast, and especially for mentioning the white genocide taking place in Zimbabwe and South Africa. As for a black genocide in this country, the real problem is the sin of abortion, regardless of the race of the baby. While it is true that Margaret Sanger was an evil woman who should not be honored with a statue, and that she sinfully promoted abortion, especially among blacks in order to limit the number of black children born, it is also true that abortion providers today are only interested in making money, and are as happy to murder white babies as well as babies of any other race. Also, women who choose to murder their babies are morally accountable for their own sin, and cannot pass the blame to anyone other than themselves, and that is true for women of any race, including black women. Hence, the idea of an ongoing black genocide in the USA is entirely false. The real problem at the root of the sin of abortion, which should be illegal, is the rampant violation of the seventh commandment. Adultery and fornication lead to unwanted pregnancies, which lead to a demand for abortion. Falsely blaming whites for black genocide will only stoke the flames of racial hatred, whereas preaching God's law and Gospel will sanctify a people.

News Item11/6/16 4:48 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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What a sad state the church of Jesus Christ is in. Never before have we been so far from our first love! Once we did not hesitate to lift up King Jesus and now we have been so influenced by the world that we actually use their vain philosophies and empty wisdom to vote for the ungodly.

Before Tuesday please listen to the following sermon for true biblical exhortation and wisdom concerning the election and how Christians should behave.


News Item11/6/16 4:45 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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We all need to listen to this sermon before voting on Tuesday! God's glory and majesty is at stake.


Sermon11/6/16 4:35 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ A must hear sermon for the election! ”
If you are pondering how to cast your vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8th, then you must listen to this sermon before hand! Pastor Kirkland sets before us the Godly standard that all Christians must adhere too. It is not simply a matter of "voting for the lesser of two evils," it is a matter of standing faithful unto the true King of our land, God! Listen and hear brothers and sisters in Christ before you vote! Stand for King Jesus in the midst of a land that has forsaken Him and His truth, His majesty, His divine right to be King.
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