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Sermon3/15/18 3:41 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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Thursday, Mar. 15, 2018
Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
“ Always interesting ”
Thank you. Your discussion of Stephen Hawking was very informative. Your observations about the sentence in his obituary that he was a "triumph of mind over matter" were very insightful.

Sermon3/12/18 9:30 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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“ Good message ”
Very good message. Thank you

Sermon3/8/18 8:58 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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Wednesday, Mar. 7, 2018
Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
“ Fascinating ”
Fascinating look at the article in the LA Times. Thank you

Sermon2/25/18 11:35 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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Love Waits
Dr. Philip Ryken
“ Wonderful comfort ”
Very comforting reminder that God is working even when it seems like He is tarrying too long and we begin to lose hope. Lord, give us the patience and the faith to wait for your perfect timing re. the salvation of our loved ones and re. the return of the Lord Jesus when He will make all things right.

Sermon2/25/18 7:54 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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Love's Holy Joy
Dr. Philip Ryken
“ Interesting and convicting ”
Interesting take on this verse from 1 Cor 13 and the story in Luke 7. Which person are we like? Simon who showed no love for Jesus or the sinful woman who showed such extravagant love?

Sermon2/23/18 4:47 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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“ Wonderful sermon! ”
A clear, detailed, very helpful explanation of imputation. Beautiful, passionate preaching on this fundamental truth. What joy it gives my heart to be reminded that my sins have been charged to Christ on the cross and His perfect righteousness has been credited to me! Thank you for all the study and prayers that obviously went into this sermon.

Sermon1/30/18 3:56 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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1 Corinthians #1
Dr. Michael Barrett
“ Good teaching ”
Good teaching. Especially on the Greek word ekklesia and also on the fact that the church in Corinth was still Christ's church in spite of all their sins

Sermon1/23/18 1:54 AM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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“ Very interesting class ”
Very interesting especially the part about the elements of worship in the early church coming from the worship services in the synagogues: the reading of scripture, prayers, singing Psalms, etc.

Sermon1/16/18 4:02 AM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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14-Jesus Cleansing the Unclean
Dr. Joel Beeke
“ Wonderful sermon ”
What a thorough, biblical, passionate sermon on this beautiful portion of scripture! Very moving and encouraging. Gives me great hope to keep praying for unregenerate sinners whom I know and love.

Sermon1/15/18 3:57 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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Redeeming the Time
Tim Marinelli
“ Excellent sermon ”
Thank you for this "timely" message (pun intended). Thank you for reminding us that David Cassidy's last words were "So much wasted time". May that not be the case for any son or daughter of the Living God. Thank you for rebuking us for wasting so much time with smartphones,computers, TV etc rather than reading and praying and using the gifts God has given us to serve Him by serving others. We Christians in America are so guilty of throwing away the time God gives us in worthless pursuits. "Turn away my eyes from worthless things" (Ps 119:37). May God help me and all His children to repent and start redeeming the time in this new year. (And speaking of time, thank you for not being afraid to preach a long sermon. Long by our standards, not by our forefathers'.)

Sermon12/17/17 12:08 AM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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“ Very interesting ”
A wonderful testimony and some sobering observations about the western church. Thank you Pastor Mehrshahi. It's wonderful to hear that our all-powerful God brought a Zoroastrian from Iran and revealed Himself to him and raised him up to bring the truth to others in post-Christian England.

Sermon8/10/17 1:59 AM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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“ God is good! ”
Thank you, both of you, for sharing your testimonies in these 3 messages. Very encouraging! And it's wonderful that God opened your hearts to be willing to have 6 children, in these times when most people consider children a burden. May God bless you both as you raise these precious little ones.

Sermon8/10/17 12:51 AM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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Testimony by Myrtle McTavish
Myrtle McTavish
“ Praise God! ”
Praise God for saving you,Myrtle, and for giving you such a heart for lost souls. Thank you for sharing your testimony. I look forward to meeting you in heaven some day!

Sermon7/21/17 11:41 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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“ Greatly needed message ”
This sermon was preached in 2008 but it is so relevant for the US these days. I wish every American would listen to it

Sermon7/18/17 10:09 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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“ What encouraging news! ”
What an encouragement to hear of a nation repenting and turning toward God in these dark times! Thank you for having this man on your program. May God continue to bless and prosper the nation of Hungary and may He keep out the Western cults such as Mormonism and the JW's.

Sermon7/12/17 11:28 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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“ Important message ”
Very interesting information. I will go to his website to find out more. Thank you Kevin Novak for the work you are doing. May God give you wisdom and success

Sermon6/14/17 1:13 AM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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Love (I): God is Love
Carl Robbins
“ Wonderful Sermon! ”
So refreshing to hear a Biblical sermon on God's love instead of the nonsense that we hear from the world. Thank you

Sermon6/11/17 11:26 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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“ Excellent Sermon! ”
Wonderful sermon - very deep, thought-provoking, challenging. May the Lord help each one of us who listens to this to apply it to our life.

Sermon5/14/17 11:49 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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Love Rule #2: No Images
Rev. Foppe VanderZwaag
“ Great Sermon! ”
There's so much in this sermon. I especially liked: "We don't need any images of God because we already have the best image - Jesus Christ" and "We don't need images because WE are images - image-bearers of God, meant to display Him to the world".

Sermon5/14/17 10:39 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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Love Rule #1: No Other Gods
Rev. Foppe VanderZwaag
“ Good preaching ”
Particularly liked the part about whom do we serve- the Triune God or the Unholy Trinity of "Me, Myself and I" or "sex, shekels and stomach". Very memorable way of putting it. We all have other gods competing for our devotion.
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