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News Item11/27/08 9:42 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Lance~ you will not get off the hook that easy; you clearly stated, "we have no idea why people are same sex attracted. This is a cross that God, for His own reasons, ASKS THEM TO BEAR". explain
Why would a Holy God, who desires all men to be saved, inflict this kind of perversion on anyone? God is HOLY, He is not capable of doing evil, never would He tempt anyone with any kind of evil. You study the rcc 'doctrine' religiously, yet you are clueless as to the attributes of the One True God. These are only found in His word alone. Your head is filled with man's doctrine, but your heart has nary a clue of the Father, His Son, and His Spirit. If it doesn't come as a teaching of men {in your case, solely from the RCC}, you discard it. The god you worship is a god the RCC tells you to worship, then lays out a step by step procedure on how to do so. The sad part is, you have missed out. You don't have to 'work' for salvation, it is His gift, it is free, He alone gives it. Nothing you do will merit 'worth'. You don't understand 'grace' and 'mercy'.

News Item11/27/08 9:26 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Lance~the RCC teaches about this office of papacy, BUT where is this teaching found in the Bible? What passage clearly states and uses your term 'pope' as being set up? Other offices are clearly set up, such as the office of apostle, bishop/elder, and deacon. But, where is this office of papacy taught?
Why does Christ need a sinner to oversee and ensure His teaching? Now you are saying the Holy Spirit is not capable of fulfilling His role as teacher {Luke 12:12, John 14:26, 1 John 2:27}.
You RCC folk seem to change your story, you proclaim the pope as 'head', beginning with Peter being the first pope and head {even though scripture does not teach infallibility or successors}; now you are switching your story. You're weaving a massive web.
Your claim of 'papacy' cannot be proven by scripture because it isn't taught. Your religion stands or falls on this imaginary 'office', yet it doesn't exist. Christ never established such an office, the church is built by Christ, the foundation {which all point right back to the true "rock", Christ} being laid by the apostles and prophets {Eph. 2:20}, that is what Gods' infallible word teaches.

News Item11/26/08 7:35 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Lance~ you say, 'we have no idea why some people are same-sex attracted. This is a cross that God, for his own reasons, asks them to bear'...This is a LIE!! Because you place little to no importance on studying the word of God, you have NO CLUE to the origin of sin. Homosexuality is birthed out of lust, which lies within the heart of man. Every human heart is wicked {Jer. 17:9}, the blame for homosexual sex does NOT lie with God, it lies with the doer of the act. "Let no one say when he is tempted, 'I am tempted by God'; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself TEMPT ANYONE. But, each one is tempted when he is drawn away by HIS OWN DESIRES and enticed." James 1:13,14
You need to run from the apostate church to which you belong while there is still time, the road to your church door is broad and wide.

News Item11/26/08 6:26 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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One does not earn the title of 'homosexual' by being tempted alone, one earns that 'title' by acting upon what is in their heart. This is sin, not a 'condition', like an illness. YOU seem to 'equate' homosexuality as some sort of medical or mental state. A person isn't called a sodomite/homosexual simply because the thought crossed their mind.
My initial point was the lighthearted approach by your RCC concerning this abomination. NOWHERE does the catechism of the RCC state the need of repentance, NO WHERE is it called what the Bible calls it, an 'abomination'.
You said, 'of course homosexuality{that is, same sex attraction} is a 'condition'. Where is that taught in God's word? Again, the actual act of same sex is homosexuality: even to look upon another with the thought, or intent of lustful desire is sin Lance, read the teachings of Christ in Matt. 5:28. Our thoughts, words, and actions are all sinful, and we will be held accountable for them, apart from repentance {which is NOT possible apart from God's intervention}, and having the seal of God's Holy Spirit within our hearts. A changed life is evidence of true salvation.

News Item11/26/08 5:45 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Max~you bring up an interesting point, the drive to put aside theological differences. Across this nation, many inter-faith services are taking place, including a service at the cathedral of St. Andrew in Grand Rapids, Mi. Those in attendance included Muslims, Catholics, and Jews. One Rabbi claimed ~quote~all religions and their basic beliefs have a common thread of good and the theme is universal. This interfaith service not only acknowledges the community's differences, it embraces all beliefs in a true spirit of unity~unquote.

"Because NARROW is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it" Matthew 7:14

News Item11/26/08 5:28 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~ If Peter were the pope, and all popes since him are head over the church, what do you do with these verses...
Eph. 1:22,23-"And gave Him to be head over ALL things to the church, which is His body"
Col. 1:18-"And He is the head of the body, the church"
Eph. 5:23-"As also Christ is head of the church and gave Himself for her"
To say that there are two heads {Christ and the pope} would be spiritual adultery.
1 Cor. 11:3-"The head of every man is Christ"
Now if Christ would have established an office of papacy, then why was it never mentioned plainly, specifically, and clearly in the Bible? This would mean the bible contradicts, which is impossible.
All the aforementioned passages contradict any such heretical teaching of a succession of mortal, sinful men being head over the called out ones of Jesus Christ.
DJC49, thank you for your truth-filled comment.

News Item11/26/08 4:32 PM
Lyn | usa  Find all comments by Lyn
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GG~ 1.As for the Levitical priesthood, we are no longer under the old covenant.
2. The Bible is NOT the writers 'point of view'. Do you even read other people's posts? Read 2 Timothy 3:16, "ALL SCRIPTURE {this includes the Pauline epistles} is given by inspiration of GOD"
"NO prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but HOLY MEN of GOD spoke as they were {pay attention GG} moved by the Holy Spirit" 2 Peter 1:20.21
3. you say, 'why does he need men and women to preach and baptize'..He doesn't.
4. Isaiah 22:21, 'father' means 'chief, principal~it's Hebrew term is 'awb'
Where in scripture would I find the teaching of binding and loosing as pertaining to 'infallibility', and 'successor'?
The bible names several offices, and describes their qualifications and work, for example 1. apostles, Eph. 4:11, Mat. 10:2-4, Luke 6:13-16~ qualifications, Acts 1:21-26, 2 Cor. 12:11,12~work, Eph. 3:3-5, Acts 1-:39-41. Other offices named are elders/bishops and deacons. 'Pope' is never named as an office.
Why did Paul rebuke Peter in Gal. 2:11?

News Item11/26/08 3:54 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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So the bible is nothing more than Paul's 'point of view'? hmmm
God NEEDS man in order to complete His plan of salvation? hmmm
ALL have sinned and fall short of God's glory~Romans 3:23. So, Christ builds His church on a sinful man? hmmm
If Peter is in charge,why did Paul rebuke Peter in Gal. 2:11?
Where does the bible teach on infallibility and successors?
Isaiah 22 is NOT a reference to Peter, this authority to admit or deny admittance into the king's presence proved the king's confidence in Eliakim. Jesus applied this terminology to Himself as one who could determine who would enter His future Davidic kingdom {Rev. 3:7}. Only Christ has the power to open and shut the door, no where in Isaiah 22 is Peter referenced to at all!
If Peter were the foundation, why did Christ not address him directly? "You are Peter"; was Peter so dull he did not know his name? "Upon this rock"; was Christ not able to address Peter directly, or could it be the reference was to the type of foundation{solid} upon which Christ would build His church? Scripture explains itself, read on...'and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it'. Is Peter an 'it'?

News Item11/26/08 3:06 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~ the WHOLE BIBLE is God's word, so to say Paul's teachings differ from Christ's is insane. But, in order to the apostate teachings of the RCC to make sense to you, the word of God must be twisted, diluted, added to, subtracted from, and considered 'not valid' to stand by itself.
2 Timothy 3:16 "ALL scripture is given by {who?} inspiration of GOD".
Christ says, "UPON THIS ROCK", this is a reference to the meaning of the word 'rock'. If He were speaking DIRECTLY to Peter, why didn't He say, "UPON YOU PETER". Your argument is invalid.
There is NO DIFFERENCE between Mat. 16, and Eph. 2:20. Christ is the true rock, the teachings of the prophets and apostles, which all point to Christ, are what He uses to bring people into God's kingdom. Again I ask, If Peter were the 'rock' why did the Apostle Paul rebuke him so sharply in Galatians 2:11? It would of been wrong for Paul to dare do such a thing if indeed Peter were in charge. Peter himself says what he truly is, he gives his title in 1 Peter 5:1, "as a fellow ELDER". Let's not pick what we want to believe and discard the rest. Where is 'infallibility' or 'successors' taught in scripture?

News Item11/26/08 9:57 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Lance~ a 'condition' is NOT what God refers to sin as, to describe sin as such is not biblical. Homosexuality is indeed a sin, chosen by those who act upon it. You can call it a mortal sin, but I stick with what the bible calls it, an abomination {disgusting, abhorrence} to the Most High God. This perversion is birthed out of 'lust'{a desire for what is forbidden}, and lies within the heart of every human being. Christ teaches in Mat. 15:19 what lies in every human heart. Your light-hearted approach to such a serious offense is disgusting. You are ignorant of what the Bible teaches and the attributes of Almighty God. God poured out His wrath on His Son because He absolutely detests all sin; to make light of sin is inexcusable. Again homosexual sex is an abomination to the Lord God, read Leviticus 18:22. Let's stick with what the bible says, rather than try to 'soften' sin and lessen its meaning. I have yet to find the term 'mortal sin' in scripture. The RCC's failure to understand the severity if homosexual sin is why your own church is infested with it.

The guidelines for biblical discipline are outlined by our Lord in Mat. 18:15-19, as well as 1 Cor. 5.

News Item11/25/08 4:43 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Lance~ According to the RCC catechism, homosexuality is a 'condition'{article six, section ll, the vocation to chastity, #2358}. There is NO mention of it being an abomination to the Lord, no mention of one's need to repent, it isn't treated with the severity it deserves at all. Even when the RCC priests are 'caught', biblical discipline is NOT applied. The RCC bases all their beliefs on Peter being the 'rock', and having the 'keys' {read previous posts}. Yet, the 'infallible' pope can't seem to rid his 'church' of the abominations that sicken God Almighty. To cover up sin and pay out big bucks when caught is not at all scriptural. This is what happens when a 'church' thinks they have more power and authority than the Great I Am. God will bring down a church such as this.

News Item11/25/08 11:58 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Also, 2358 is a muddied attempt at man's teaching, in this case the RCC, against homosexuality with NO scriptural support or basis...'they must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity {sounds like the emerging church and the push for tolerance}. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives {how is it possible to do this when you are living apart from that will?}, and if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's cross the difficulties they may encounter from their 'condition'.~Is that what the RCC teaches concerning what Gods word distinctly calls an abomination? It is just a mere 'condition'? No wonder the RCC priests are sodomites. 2359 is equally disturbing and should be rendered worthless.
The RCC has NO EFFECT for Christ in reaching the lost because they do not even have the Gospel right. They have instilled their 'doctrine', which holds no power, and watered down the scriptures, they have blended heresy with truth and concocted a deadly poison in the process. No wonder sodomy is flourishing in places where Catholicism is the dominant 'religion'.

News Item11/25/08 9:22 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Passingby~ you bring up an excellent truth, pride and arrogance are alive and well. It brings to light this passage, "But know this, that in the last days, perilous times will come. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy," 2 Timothy 3:1,2.
This article is an absolute lie. You simply cannot live in sin and be in line with God's word. This type of garbage is what Jude warns of, as well as our Lord, in Matthew 24. False teachers and false prophets will increase more and more, spewing out lies such as this. May we all continue to stand firm.

News Item11/24/08 10:33 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~'the rcc states Matthew 16 teaches the church is built upon Peter and therefore on the bishops of Rome in an exclusive sense. What is seldom ever mentioned is the fact that Ephesians 2:20 uses precisely the same language as that found in Mat. 16 when it says the church is built upon the apostles and prophets with Christ as the cornerstone. The same greek word for 'built upon' in Mat. 16 is employed upon in Eph. 2:20. This demonstrates that from a biblical perspective, even if we were to interpret the rock of Mat. 16 to be the person of Peter, the New Testament does NOT view the Apostle Peter to be unique in this role. Christ is the foundation and the church is built upon all the apostles and prophets in the sense of being built upon their teaching. The rcc interpretation imports a meaning into the text of Mat. 16 that's completely absent. This text says absolutely nothing about infallibility or successors. The church fathers and historians view the rock as being the person of Christ, Peter's confession of Christ's identity is an example of true faith. What Christ spoke to Peter, He spoke to the church as a whole; the 'keys' are a declarative authority to teach truth, preach the Gospel, and exercise discipline in the church'
from www.moriel.org

News Item11/24/08 8:18 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~ if Peter were the leader of the church, why was it necessary for Paul to rebuke him in Galatians 2:11-21? Peter never refers to himself as the head, or pope. How could Peter be the 'rock'? Did he shed his blood for the sins of the world? Did Christ suffer in agony on the cross just to hand all authority to a sinner saved by His grace? NOT! Peter does call himself an 'elder'{pastor} in 1 Peter 5:1. You error in claiming Christ's 'church' is based on one particular denomination,stemming from false teachings of an office of popery: no such office is ever spoken of or taught anywhere in scripture. This is false and blasphemous. Salvation is God's gift, based solely upon HIS GRACE. 'It is by grace you have been saved'...Eph. 2:8,9. If you truly understood the wicked human heart and the holiness of God, then making Peter head over Christ's church would not make sense to you. But because your heart has never been changed by God, you cannot understand.
As for what you say God 'allowed' the Jews to decorate the temple with, this too is blasphemous. God COMMANDED what was to be put in the temple, and it HAD to meet His exact specifications.

News Item11/24/08 4:27 PM
lyn | usa  Find all comments by lyn
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GG- another disturbing comment from you, you believe "people may believe in one God, the creator God, of which there is only one, and not know him personally, or know his character, and yet worship him in their ignorance{i.e.-Muslims, Native American Indians}"
That is in direct contrast and violation with what Christ teaches in John 14:6,"I am the way, the truth, and the life, NO ONE cometh to the Father but by me". There is NO ACCESS to God the Father apart from God the Son."He that hath the Son hath life, he that hath not the Son of God hath not life" 1 John 5:12
False teaching is a result of men taking God's word and adding to and subtracting from what it says. All who do so will be destroyed by God.

News Item11/24/08 4:12 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~ you have taken Christ's words out of context. We don't have 'authority' to forgive. If a sinner acknowledges his/her wrongdoing, repents {turns away from sin} and seeks forgiveness, we proclaim what the word has already said; such a person is forgiven by God and heaven is in agreement. If, however, a sinner does wrong and refuses to acknowledge and repent, then they will fall under judgment condemnation, which is what should be told to unrepentant sinners; this is in line with what God's word teaches. That is what Christ was teaching in the passage you quoted. When you tell someone they are forgiven or condemned, you are merely re-affirming what scripture has already made clear. This is all part of binding and loosing, but the RCC has taken authority away from Almighty God and believe these verses give them full control to forgive. This is blasphemous. All teaching must be kept within the confines of the word of God and the authoritative power it alone holds. Nowhere in God's word does He give control to mortal men to condemn lost souls or forgive; this is reserved for the One who died and gave Himself for those who repent and believe in the Gospel.

News Item11/24/08 2:23 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG- you say Catholics worship the God for whom the statue is a reminder.
Deuteronomy 4:15,16~"You so NO FORM of any kind the day the Lord spoke to you at Horeb out of the fire. Therefore, watch yourselves very carefully, so that you do not become corrupt and MAKE for yourselves an idol, an image of ANY SHAPE, whether formed like a man or a woman."
"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth". John 4:23,24
We are commanded in Deuteronomy not to even attempt to make an idol of His image, in any way, shape or form, let alone bow to it and pretend it likens a Holy God. Bowing to and praying to a statue is indeed idolatry. We worship God as His Spirit leads, according to the truth revealed in His word as to who He is. That is acceptable worship.

Blog11/21/08 9:43 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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This is a sermon that all who profess Christianity should listen to. This man preaches under the power of the Holy Spirit of Almighty God. May God raise up more Godly men to preach with authority and conviction like He has done with Pastor Washer.

Sermon11/19/08 2:58 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This message is a must listen for all who profess the name of Jesus Christ. Praise God for raising up a man to boldly profess His truth; a message that is much needed in the church today. May God be honored and glorified, He is worthy.
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