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Sermon8/29/18 9:56 AM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Apologetics - 01
David E. Thompson
“ Great Teaching! ”
Weaponry for the opposition.

News Item8/27/18 12:15 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Christopher000 wrote:
Hi Yolanda,
A piece of friendly advice...I've been noticing that you seem to mis-read what people say at times, and comment based upon your mis-interpretation. You've got some kind of nerve calling Lurker a wicked man, and is a perfect example of your, sometimes poor, comprehension. The advice is simply this: Ask someone to clarify if there's any chance you could be mis-understanding, or if they could have possibly worded things a bit better in getting their thoughts across.
Also, the other day, you were sure to let everyone know that the situation in South Africa with the farmers was all a lie, fake news, and warned not to believe any of it. You were pretty adamant about it. Just yesterday, South Africa's Julius Malema, defiantly confirmed to the world that it is in fact accurate, and expropriation without compensation. American and Austrailian farmers have confirmed the brutally murderous land grabs, so which part isn't accurate?
Hi Christopher

I've decided that you should have the last word. I am going on with growing in the grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

My prayers are for ALL OF US to turn to the Lord with sincerity. ME TOO.

Sounds pious? Oh, well.

Sermon8/27/18 12:03 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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The Hunter Hunted
Liam Goligher
“ Christianity - the Converting Religion ”
I was blessed by this sermon. It brought my attention to the recent event during which the Moslems changed their mantra to their god. Have Christians no song to sing in this weary land? Have we forgot to shout unto the Lord?

News Item8/26/18 11:58 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Lurker wrote:
I'll pray for the family of John McCain. And I respect him for his distinguished military service. But McCain was no friend of conservative values. A devout Never Trumper. That he is receiving flowery praise from Obama, Chuck Schumer, Pelosi and Hillary pretty well tells the story of his political values.
I understand more and more what David meant while praying to the Lord to not let him fall into the hands of wicked men. Men like Lurker.

My prayer is that you feel utterly ashamed as a child of Trump - having to demean one based upon the character of another.

Shame on you Lurker.

News Item8/25/18 10:31 AM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
--[URL=https://tinyurl.com/yb3ln6qh]]]Mixed emotions in Ireland ahead of first papal visit in 39 years[/URL]
So keep track of, [URL=https://tinyurl.com/jyztfs7]]] Abuse by Priests[/URL]! with [URL=https://tinyurl.com/hs3yvm7]]]Abuse Tracker[/URL]
The holy see that the "Holy Sea" is not the vicar of Christ - the head of the church. Once they, the blind followers of Catholicism, realize this they will depart from darkness.

May God delivers them from this big bag of guile. He and other leaders need to be poked deeply and throughly with the Sword of the Word. This is not a Christian body.

Sermon8/25/18 10:02 AM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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The Grammar of God
Liam Goligher
“ The Final Speaker ”
We need no other argument. We need no other plea. It is enough that Jesus died, was buried and rose again to be seated on high. He has caused us to hear 'This is my beloved Son" and God speaks only through him. Listen to him. Look unto Him. Thank you so much pastor Liam Goligher for diligently searching the scripture and bringing us truth that needs to be upheld by all who call upon the name of the Lord; in the pulpit and in the streets.

Sermon8/25/18 9:53 AM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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The Grammar of God
Liam Goligher
“ Remarkable Sermon! ”
Mark this sermon.

News Item8/24/18 7:09 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Plain Old Tim wrote:
Speaking of backsliders, Yolanda, please pray for my son in Arizona. He has been out of God's will for a long time. Thank you.
My duty and pleasure. Psalm 90:16, 17 comforts me regarding my own children. I know God hears; therefore, he will answer.

By the way, my children are professors and love one another dearly. However, periodically, and with more frequency, I will ask one of them if they think their sibling will enter heaven.

Things are changing.

God is working through this way of communicating with them. Ask him to call them unto himself, and in his judgment to remember mercy.

God bless you.

News Item8/24/18 12:44 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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penned wrote:
the Anti defamation league condemned trump for his tweets regarding the south african white farmer genocide.
"thou shalt not be a bigot"
they are letting you know your parameters of thought
and they are to rule
because that is what the evangelical religion demands
evangelicals caught themselves in their own snare
"before I open the bible, there are two people of God"
nevermind the text....
.....or reality.
no rapture
but captivity
Genocide is not occurring in South Africa. That's a fact.

News Item8/23/18 8:51 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
--[URL=https://tinyurl.com/ybwgl6j2]]]US President Donald Trump's tweet on land seizures, 'killing of farmers' angers South Africa[/URL]

Please don't believe this report. Examine the facts. This is crucial especially for the times and Trump we are living in.

This is not factual. Don't believe this lie!

May our great God have mercy upon us and give us the spirit of discernment.

News Item8/23/18 5:38 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Am I correct in relying on my memory of Germany, in WWII, claiming that their economic woes were not only caused by Jews but would be resolved by exterminating Jews, and Christians?

News Item8/22/18 7:23 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Yolanda, do you realize that the majority of your posts are negative and critical? Bemoaning something or someone that isn’t right. Just wondering. Not saying there is nothing out there that doesn’t need to be corrected
"Negative"? because I shared a 'thot' about getting out of the pews with the congregation and evangelizing. Does this apply to sermon comments also? I pray not.

Regardless, aaaand again I will seek the Lord about this. Pray for this sister.

Thank you and keep nourishing.

Love in Christ.

News Item8/22/18 6:23 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Just a thot. Instead of pastors preaching from the podium perhaps reading scripture, prayer and worship for one hour and then hit the streets with the congregation with the gospel.

News Item8/22/18 1:09 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Don Tian wrote:
A sad story, to be sure. Farming is just not something economically feasible for families, since it involves a lot of capital expense and then very little profit. You could make more money on your capital by buying a simple lawn mower and walking around your suburban neighborhood, offering to mow people's lawns. Or just ask to walk their dogs, watch their homes when they go on vacation, etc.
As to the churches getting involved, we can go back to last week's article here about "South Carolina abandoning churches" which might better be headlined: 'People in South Carolina leaving churches' since the churches-the physical properties remain, but are empty.
Farming is making money for the big guys who own hundreds or thousands of acres and can play the system of getting govt aid for not growing things. I think many of them are US Senators.
Yup. It's called agribusiness. These politicians scheme to dispossess the poor farmer and seize the business and land.

Think of the thought of privatizing national parks. Where will this lead eventually.

News Item8/22/18 1:03 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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It is a great shame to our God that so much time is spent writing books, writing music, and rehearsing the music that has no theology in them so that carnal, unconverted men can be entertained on our day of worship.

There are few motivating sermons heard today that would cause us to run into the streets proclaiming the greatest news known to mankind.

Mega conferences are becoming a disgrace also. We are gaining a lot of knowledge to puff up the one attending them and the ones speaking at the podium.

Ticket sales are flourishing. Hotels are making big bucks, etc.

Has anyone heard of a conference being held on how to win Muslims to Christ by losing your life?

I'm rambling. Please forgive me.

Christians can look forward to being blessed as we are persecuted more and more for being silent. Many seeds will fall to the ground and die. But the harvest will be plentiful.

A thot. Maybe pastors need to be evangelized.

Sermon8/22/18 12:44 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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“ Of Great Value ”
Simply precious.

News Item8/21/18 7:07 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
--[URL=https://tinyurl.com/ydg277vv]]]https://tinyurl.com/ydg277vv (Pope Francis: ‘No effort must be spared’ to prevent Catholic Church abuses)[/URL]
So keep track of, [URL=https://tinyurl.com/jyztfs7]]]https://tinyurl.com/jyztfs7 (Abuse by Priests)[/URL] with [URL=https://tinyurl.com/hs3yvm7]]]https://tinyurl.com/hs3yvm7 (Abuse Tracker)[/URL]👍☠
Do these people ever address anything as SIN?

Truthfully, I have never even read where this organization prays about issues.

They are just a bunch of wicked, unconverted con artists

Sermon8/21/18 6:50 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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“ Relevant Always! ”
Good for daily listening.

News Item8/20/18 8:03 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The problem, Yolanda, is White racism. And the Blacks know it❗
The percentage of poor people is much higher among Blacks and it is for Whites, so this results.
--[URL=https://tinyurl.com/ybq65ewp]]]https://tinyurl.com/ybq65ewp (America's Health-Inequality Problem)[/URL]👎
--[URL=https://tinyurl.com/ycz4t8sx]]]White America’s racial resentment is the real impetus for welfare cuts, study says[/URL]
Sadly Jim,

those having a problem with being "White" are blinded to the tactics of the LGBTQ crowd making inroads into religion, politics, and morality. Neither can they see that they and their children will eventually fall into the same pit they have dug for others.

Whites have had politicians speak in their churches for years with great influence on the congregation. The preachers do the same by showing their support of certain politicians.

Thanks for the information Jim. But are there statistics on this?

You mentioned concern about your post.

"ended up in a different thread." This happens to me often. I think it happens when you comment on an article within the article in title. Or maybe take too long to post your comment.

When you figure it out please post the resolution.

News Item8/20/18 7:26 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Don Tian wrote:
Yolanda, did you decide to run for the School Board in your area? I think it's a good idea, though you might have to deal with intense media scrutiny, and then, if elected, you might be a 'voice crying in the wilderness' if the rest of the Board is not friendly with your positions.
It is challenging. But it might be time for some of us to enter established monuments of wickedness and take our lumps. I am not even a voter as you read from my previous post. So I need a lot of preparation.

In the meantime keep praying for our poor school children and their ill or uninformed parents.

May God bless you. Big.

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