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Sermon7/29/2020 11:29 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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En valle de sombra de muerte
David Barceló
“ Wholesome mana for the soul ”

News Item7/29/2020 6:26 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Paul the reformer wrote:
No media= old normal. Defund the demonic media.
Media fast, is over due in all the Christian circles of the Anglo-saxon speaking cultures.
The church and pulpits would be in a different predicament today, and perhaps even the world, had they abstained for the last 60 to 80 years "from all appearances of evil" on the screen as a matter of principle.
Separation unto the Lord has been none existent, hence the results that govern the day.


News Item7/29/2020 5:31 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John UK wrote:
Yes indeed, sister. I do not ponder for very long on it, just enough to give me a few thoughts. Such as...
With stockpiling of weaponry and ammunition in America, and with the economy and jobs severely affected by lockdown procedures, with this leading to near starvation for some families, and supposing the pandemic cannot be controlled any other way, and the guv not willing to let it run and do its worst, thusly the austerity continues until some folks just cannot cope any more, and they see stealing food as the only way of survival, at gunpoint of course, maybe stealing money, cars etc., maybe forming into groups or gangs, living in forests like Robin Hood, robbing the rich so that their families can eat, and so on and so forth.
I believe some futuristic films, which I never watch, portray such a time, when the world is unrecognisable compared to what it is today. A forewarning? Some sort of weird prophecy?
Brother, never lose sight that the full stops come set by the hand above, though the common folk might have to go through seasons as being "sheep unto the slaughter"

"As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter."
Let the Lord be our strength

News Item7/29/2020 5:06 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John UK wrote:
I also see that this pandemic is not normal, and could go on for years. We may never get back to ... normal, which makes me wonder if it is all part of ...pm the second coming of Jesus Christ and the end ...
Many a time in history authentic believers pondered in the same lines you write here, yet let's remember that evil and jugdements often come in 'tides' or waves that come and go.
We only have to see the plagues of Egypt, or read about the vials, horses, or trumpets of Revelation.

This same pattern can be perceived by reading or listening to Eusebius of Caesarea's Church history, written in the 4th-century, giving a chronological account of the developments in Early Christianity from the 1st century to his day.
One can see how the wave of persecutions arose sometimes as it were from nowhere, but they came and eased.

"He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending *evil angels* ... (this means messangers of calamity and trouble)
When he slew them, then they sought him:
and they returned and enquired early after God."

Our day was riped for a wave of testing, whatever source that wave has.
(E.g. Rev. 2:9&10, 3:10)

Sermon7/26/2020 8:14 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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The Means of Grace for the Israelite
Rev. Armen Thomassian
“ Substantial interpretation of the OT feasts ”

Sermon7/26/2020 1:32 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Jacob's Death and Burial
Rev. Andrew Stewart
“ Biblical comfort, hope and teaching ”

Sermon7/19/2020 4:43 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Vain is the Help of Man
Benjamin Thomas
“ Insights about defeat ”

Sermon7/19/2020 3:36 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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“ Refocusing comfort ”

News Item7/19/2020 11:12 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John UK wrote:
The Lord knows all these things. He knows who his friends are, and he knows who his enemies are.
Thanks John.
The Lord surely knows those that have been blood-bought, and knows their follies or infirmities for which he intercedes.

At the same time he *does not know* those that say Lord, Lord, in which, even having the correct theology, his mark of ownership is not evident by their praxis.

Trust you are keeping well.

"But ye have an unction from the Holy One,
and ye know all things."

News Item7/19/2020 8:41 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John UK wrote:
... I should like to be remembered as someone who was always courteous in controversy, but *without compromise* ...
from the article
It is all about definitions.
It is always interesting to observe how liberals perceive compromise.
In reality, according to their own eyes, not one would admit to fall ever into such.

"All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes;
but the LORD weigheth the spirits."


Thanks, brother WayneR.


Consistency is what determines the value of a ministry.
Writen or spoken statements should not determine such, neither theological correctness. It is the praxis that counts.

News Item7/14/2020 12:23 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Fare well Jonh


Sermon7/14/2020 12:21 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Robert W. Reed
“ Very good ”
Many thanks

News Item7/14/2020 9:51 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John UK wrote:
Greetings Sister B,
1. The problem with using data is, how do you know the data is true? Someone has already argued that the data being pushed is false anyway, so now what does anyone do?
2. I'm not sure what you are saying about 9/11. Have you not seen private mobile phone footage of planes being flown into the twin towers?
The flight numbers of the crashed planes are available. Check out the flight list and see if you can find any of the passengers on those flights.
1. Yeah, but even when comparing the figures given, one can find undesirable 'gaps' that derail or affront valid logic.

2. Nor endorsing remo's theory, this is why you seem lost.
Just questioning the reality of official 'versions'.
How did private people film the *first* crash in the first place? Were they waiting for it? Did anybody advice them that it was coming or going to happen? Or are these frauds, or are they really available or exist?

News Item7/14/2020 4:38 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John UK wrote:
1. Sure, conspiracies exist, and sometimes it is showing wisdom to expose them for our own safety.
2. ... to say 9/11 did not happen as reported is a nonsense, tantamount to treason or insanity, one of the three.
... expose the works of darkness ...
1. Watch "Two Minutes to Understand Spin Vs Actual Data, in this Viral Issue." on YouTube

2. When unexpected events or 'accidents' happen, there is seldom ever a chance of someone being there to catch it on film as it is happening and specially from a good angle.
Normaly what it happens is that it goes on alone and the media rather comes on, or arrives later, and films the after math of the event or crash.
Now, what about the actual filming of the planes crashing and so on ... ?
Just wondering

News Item7/5/2020 10:12 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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WayneR wrote:
WM 167: Why do Muslim Apologists love the Modern Critical Text?

It is far worse the epidemic of modern scholarship that has removed (banned?).... warning that endangers the modern 'church'

BUT now we see the problem, and the apologist referred to is James White. Check out Jeff Riddle's above article and the same sermons also here on SermonAudio. Note his conclusion.

Thanks for bringing the matter to the front, as truly and sadly there is "an epidemic of modern scholarship that bans (censors even) ... warnings that endanger the modern church"

Sermon7/5/2020 9:13 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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“ Text criticism exposed ”
The truth will make people free

News Item7/5/2020 11:01 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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ladybug wrote:
how does a healthy person not wearing a mask put the high risk who do wear a mask at risk? does the high risk mask only work if the healthy wear one too? kinda like vaccines, if you get a vaccine and i don't, yours won't work?!?
I am 'selfish' if i choose not to wear a mask, even though i am healthy? crazy logic. I would tell the 'at risk' to boost their immune system with lots of zinc and vitamin c...that's how 'selfish' i am....
Ongoing absurd indeed

News Item7/5/2020 10:35 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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WayneR wrote:
WM 167: Why do Muslim Apologists love the Modern Critical Text?
It is far worse the epidemic of modern scholarship that has removed (banned?) the Confessional Text; the KJV disappears in most Reformed Churches, and like the toppling of historical statues, done with not a little triumphalism. Those in the pew are duped into handling that version as though it required the wearing of rubber gloves...as some dusty archaic artefact or worse still something they have been told needs disposing of because they believe it carries some unknown spiritual health warning that endangers the modern 'church'!
BUT now we see the problem, and the apologist referred to is James White. Check out Jeff Riddle's above article and the same sermons also here on SermonAudio. Note his conclusion.
Recommended presentation indeed

News Item7/5/2020 8:00 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Chrisgp from England wrote:
... The pubs and bars here (which have all reopened here in England, albeit with restrictions, and the stores, too), are flourishing and busy, except in Leicester...
But churches like Met Tab, are open with a fully masked congregation, all spaced out, and yet still they cannot sing!!! This is iniquitous... the congregation still cannot sing God’s praises,... something very wrong here!!
Brother, times come and go, but the Lord holds their sway, and in the midst of them all, he sustains his own,

"O LORD, thou art my God; I will exalt thee,
I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things:
Thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth ...

For thou hast been a strength to the poor,
a strength to the needy in his distress,
a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat,
when the blast of the *terrible ones* is as a storm against the wall. "
(terrible ones = powerful or tyrannical:—mighty, oppressor, in great power)

"Moreover... the multitude of the terrible ones shall be as chaff that passes away: yea, it shall be..."
Isaiah 25


*I have *waited* for thy salvation, O LORD"

"LORD, I have *hoped* for thy salvation"

"I have *longed* for thy salvation, O LORD;"

Sermon7/5/2020 7:20 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Cristo: Dios Fuerte
David Barceló
“ Sana doctrina de mucho animo y valor ”
This is a strengthening teaching about the deity of Christ in regards to salvation, correlating Old Testament concepts against their New Testament counterparts. God bless
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