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News Item5/2/10 6:16 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Randy wrote:
The other day, I was like, thinking, like we need , like a new bible translation. Cuz like, this next generation is like more savey and are like more intellegent, like than any other generations that's like come before. So they like need, like a bible like they can like relate to. Thats why I came up with the IWL bible. The "I was Like" Bible. Insted of where it like says Thus Saith the LORD; maybee it could say; He was Like! See, us American kids riially know language. So we can like riily relate to the IWL version.
I think I've preached to some of those before. I didn't use thier bible though.

News Item4/30/10 5:59 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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TT wrote:
I was under the impression that Liberty was a distinctively Christian school. With all due respect to Mr. Beck, he is not a Christian; he is a Mormon. What is going on with all these Christians looking to Glenn Beck as their hero? Conservative, yes; Christian, no. Where do our ultimate loyalties lie, with Conservativism or with Jesus Christ? I know my answer, and it isn't politics.
It seems as if Liberty has moved off center in the past few years. First by embracing a Rick Warren/ Bill Hybles methodology. More recently, it seems that many students from Liberty have embraced Postmodernism with it's arrogance againt those who still belivein objective truth. That last few liberty grads I've met are more in line with the Emergent Church movement than Biblical Christianity. Those may have been an exeption, but one some doors are opened a little, they end up opened all the way.
You do have a great point about Conservatism and Jesus. Our ultimate loyalties do belong to Jesus.

News Item4/30/10 5:47 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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The messages: Thabiti: Engaging The Culture; on Keven Bolings program, and The coming final persecution By Steve Lawson are well worth listening to. They are the exact oppisite of what you will find in the Market Driven and Emergent circles.

News Item4/30/10 5:42 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Back in the early 90s, I was the song director during a special service, at a church that had gotten in to the Prophetic Word ,or Prophesying movement. At the end of the message, it became pandamonium. The church leaders were giving out these grandious personal "words from God" (as if God himself were speaking) to people. I began to leave in the middle of it, when a couple came up and said,"Please, do you have a word from God for us"? I just shook my head and said no. But then I said wait a minute, yes I do. They looked hopeful and I said "Go home and read your Bible". They looked dissapointed and walked of. In guess people want direction, but they want it on their own terms, with all the bells and whistles.

News Item4/30/10 3:52 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Mike wrote:
If you borrow several thousand dollars from the bank, is it not by way of your will you decide to borrow it, blow it all, thereby coming to a point where you cannot pay it back?
Of course it would be my choice. What I'm taking about is still being responsible even if I've made myself unable.

News Item4/29/10 9:53 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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There is a major flaw in the conclusion the researches hope to find if they discover that we do not have a Free Will. That flaw is that since we don't have a free will, we are not responsible. We are responsible even when our will is enslaved. If I borrow several thousand dollars from the bank, and by reckless spending blow it all, and cannot pay it back. The bank does not write the debt off, but still holds me responsible. One of the errors of the researchers is that of Pellagianism.

News Item4/28/10 11:33 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Bridget wrote:
You guys are so right! God DOES hate rock music. There is only 1 type of music that does please His ears, and that's hymns. That's right. He stopped influencing musicians to write glorifying music to Him back in 1847, so how can you say anything other than a hymn will please Him? He is in a nice beautiful box called Heaven, and He no longer interacts with us, because all the good music has already been written, and He cannot be glorified through anything other than 4/4 time!
There is no need to be sarcasic friend. There may be some who think close to what you are saying. But most of us that are against Rock, are not saying that it's a question between new or old. There are some great new songs written. Rather; it's a question of it being Spirit and Truth. Matter of fact; How Great Thou Art was written the same year as one of the most popular Rock songs, rock around the clock. There are still great God glorifying songs written today, but they do not try to copy the style of worldly people that hate God. Rather they attempt to copy the atmosphere of Heaven. Take it from several people who played rock and christain rock. But you won't be convinced till you honestly seek God, and become willing to give up what you like to please Him

News Item4/28/10 11:12 AM
Rick | Alabama  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rick
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savedbygrace wrote:
Rick, Alabama,
This man was not Leonard Ravenhill, but of the same vintage - not fearing man and controlled by His Spirit. Whenever he spoke in church(I am not antagonistic to using notes per se)he spoke without notes. He read Scripture so much that he spoke Scripture in his sermons and all with a straight face set like flint. The Almighty Lord used him mightily.
I have a couple of Ravenhill's books and heard him in an interview. He was powerful and spoke without snares.
If you fellas remember, pray for me. I want to love the Lord my God, with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength!!! Beginning today I will write both you and John's names down and pray for you. Heb. 12:2
God gives us more me like the one you spoke of. I will pray for you, that God will give you a great anointing of his spirit. Please pray the same for me as I seek to pastor in a church that is slow to respond to the Word of God. There have been no conversions here in years. The word is going forth expositionaly, and doctrinaly, but we need God's power. God bless.

News Item4/27/10 11:16 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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What's sad is that even in the face of undeniable facts, the unregenerate will still not believe in the Lord. They may end up believeing it is the ark, but they won't turn to Jesus. Only the Holy Spirit can cause that change in the heart. Nonetheless; he will still use verifiable proofs.

News Item4/27/10 3:54 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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savedbygrace wrote:
John UK,
I believe the church today is in great need. Not just preachers who are teachers but men who are led by His Spirit.
I know of a man who is currently(though up in years)with a revival organization who had visited our church years ago. While staying at our pastor's house, pastor told me that he would only come out of his room once for a bite to eat and then return for prayer. Along with prayer, he had a custom that daily he would read "35 CHAPTERS OF SCRIPTURE" a day.
When God does revive the church, there won't be any guessing. We will know it for sure; men will not be engaged with talks about sports or even events concerning our children. We will be swallowed up in His glory and as the heart is so the mouth speaketh.
Histories on revival are convicting(I am guilty, myself). During the Welsh Revival, someone heard a disturbance out in the distance on their grounds in the middle of the night. After walking towards it they found a young person kneeling on the other side of the stone wall, alone engaged in fervent prayer.
Thank you for sharing that. The visiting preacher souned like Leonard Ravenhill.

News Item4/27/10 3:50 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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They were bound to have to ask this question sooner or later.

News Item4/27/10 3:48 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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This is absolutly heart breacking. Common compassion is gone.

News Item4/25/10 2:46 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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I agree that some action should be take as soon as possible. But if the Gov't knows about it anmd won't do anything, how is ther whole country knowing about it going to do anything. Other that maybee pressuring the Gov't. Also, If he is forced to leave because of this, will that void all of the legislation he passed, since he had no legal right to pass it to begin with?

News Item4/25/10 2:40 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Daniel Michael wrote:
To all the believers wherever you may be:
We had a hospital situation 4 months ago which required emergency surgical birth. There were concerns at that time with persecution that I had posted in the past. A new issue has arisen that is creating a heavy burden for us. Presently, the surgeon who cared for my wife and baby and saved their lives (allowed by God of course), is now threatening my wife and children (and myself) with violence for not making "full payment," even though I have made a monthly payment each month. He has given an order to some anonymous man or woman (so-called debt collector) to demand money and who refuses to identify himself or herself and his or her status, whether he or she professes Christ or not. This mysterious "debt collector" continues to send anonymous mail to my STILL RECOVERING WIFE AND BELIEVING MOTHER OF 5 CHILDREN, and refuses to cooperate with the letters that I have sent in response, and has also refused to send a copy of a contract. Stay tuned. Other antichrists in addition to the surgeon are sure to gang up on my wife and follow the same wicked path.
I'm sorry that on top of the medical problems, you have to go through this added stress as well. I will be in prayer for you.

News Item4/25/10 10:49 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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These devices are literaly becoming idols. Not only are people addicted to them, thet can't even relate to real people right in front of them anymore. Teenagers will walk right out into traffic texting. At resturaunts you will see families where the teenager is obviously not part of the family experience, because they are on their gadgets. Parents are not doing anything to stop this. In church it's a constant battle to keep kids of them. People don't understand that the word is not being attended to. In 20 yurs. this generation will not be able to relate with any social skills to real people.
What's worse, is churches, that have live services are now allowing people to tweet comments about the message; during the service, and to people in the service. Freinds; This causes double mindeness. I don't care how reformed of conservative the church is, this will kill reverence in the service and make sure the fowls of the air steel the word.

News Item4/24/10 6:33 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
Sister Rosetta Tharpe was playing Gospel music that sounded like rock music, I believe before the term "rock" was even coined. I wouldn't be suprised if Janice Joplin and others were influenced by the sound of Rosetta Tharpe's music.
"Sacred Steel" and "Rossetta Tharpe" I believe had beginnings in the 1930"s using the electric guitar or "Sacred Steel", in praise to God. Tharpe's singing at times and the singing of others who played "Sacred steel", often sounded like some "rock" that was recorded decades later.
May God give us discernment in knowing His will and what music God would like to serve Him with.
Some of 50s rock did indeed use some of the sounds of Black Gospel music, and some of the instruments. But that is where the similarity ends. The Spirit and Feeel of Rock are vastly different from Sister Rosseta, and my favorite, Blind Willie Johnson. These folks did not try to take the most blatant form of evil loved by rebellious God haters, and try to use it to reach people or the praise God with. Rather, they attempted to get what they thought was music from God in order to praise Him with. Whether they always achieved that or not, at least tahe was their aim. A far cry from todays attempts to copy the world.

News Item4/24/10 4:12 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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David Blake wrote:
Rick - this London School of Theology is about a million light years away from the Metopolitan Tabernacle.
Stick with the Met Tab - you're on solid ground with them.
Thanks brother. Your are absolutly right. I made that post before I had a chance to look up the school. Turns out Steven Chalk, an Emergent, Anti- Penal substitue heritic is speaking at that school. Thanks again, people need to be warned about that school, and not confuse it with Met. Tab.

News Item4/24/10 3:05 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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More than 4 in 10 agree that Islam is dangerous and promotes violence.
Worse than that is the violent torment of hell that awaits people who have been decieved by this Anti Christian religion.

News Item4/24/10 2:52 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Not only inspiring, but anointed biblical, and theologicaly correct sermons neede to be preached. I'm a little weary of the 20 to 30 demographic emphasis though. I do agree that that group needs to be reached for Christ, and dicipled in ministry, but our target group needs to be larger. Particulary in regards to evangalism. Jesus did not say "Go into all the world and make diciples of the 20 to 30 generation, ot the 18 to 35 generation, but of all nations (generations). If this London School of Theology is the same one found on Metropolotan Tabernacle London's web site, I know they are coming from the right perspective.

News Item4/23/10 8:28 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Well; it looks like the Pentagone (mispelled on purpouse)as well as Islam, liberalism,and Political correctness, will be Disinvited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
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