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Crossgar Free Presbyterian Church
Rev. Gordon Dane  |  Crossgar, Northern Ireland
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028 97531226
Crossgar Free Presbyterian Church
83-85 Killyleagh Street
Crossgar, Co. Down
Northern Ireland
10 Rockfield Hall
BT25 2QU
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"Wonderful Testimony"
Margaret from Australia
Rev Mercer, Thank you for sharing your testimony. It is valuable listening and helpful in understanding the Lord further. I...
Rev. Colin Mercer | Family and Friends Service
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Sermon11/7/08 1:19 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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John Rogers: Protestant Martyr
Rev. Gordon Dane
“ Great love of Scriptures. ”
A story of faith, faithfulness and courage, of a love for the Scriptures that will be ready to die, but will not compromise.

Sermon10/16/08 9:18 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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450th Anniversary of Hugh Latimer
Rev. Gordon Dane
“ Great zeal for God. ”
A story of conversion, faithful preaching, failure and fear of death, restoration, faithfulness, courage and martyrdom for the glory of Christ. A great man given by Christ to His church.

Sermon8/7/08 9:19 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The Reformation in England
Rev. Gordon Dane
“ Great act of God. ”
We must not see the beginning of the Reformation in England as the political act of Henry VIII. We must look to the preaching of the Gospel, to the translation of the Bible and its spread and to the Societies of Christian Brethren. God used Henry's acts, but the renewal came through the Word of God.

Sermon6/10/08 11:51 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Listening to God. ”
How many time I experienced that God touched me with His word at fellowship time or in the church - and all this lasted for ours or for a day! But here Nehemiah is touched so deep that he was in grief for many days! We need that God's word and God's work may touch us deep in our beings!

Sermon6/3/08 10:48 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The Runaway who ran the Wrong Way
Rev. Gordon Dane
“ Great blindness. ”
The foolishness and bitterness of trying to run away from God.

Sermon5/13/08 4:36 PM
Joey from USA  Find all comments by Joey
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“ a real blessing ”
A really outstanding treatment of this passage that brings home how the Apostles preached and what they preached, but also a great presentation of what the Gospel truly is.

Sermon4/21/08 2:17 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Reopening of Crossgar Church
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Blessed work of God. ”
A bless God for the gracious work He has done in Ulster in the Presbyterian movement!

Sermon4/5/08 1:11 PM
DrJohn from King NC  Find all comments by DrJohn
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Remember Lot's Wife
Rev. Philip Millen
“ Powerful Sermon! ”
This one needs to be heard more than once or twice until it sinks in.

Sermon3/31/08 8:24 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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DaVinci Code or DaVinci Con?
Rev. Gordon Dane
“ Worshippig on the basis of good stories. ”
Satan gave to this world a very popular excuse to not believe in the Bible, because of Dan Brown's book. The irony (and at the same time, the tragedy of it) is that the book is a story, a fiction. In a novel, the writer has the absolute liberty to do what he wants with the subject, to invent everything, to the point of endangering the state of his soul... But fiction is not reality. The pretension that the book is at the same time, fiction and reality, is a non-sense. Good argumentation of Gordon Dane, I liked especially the argument about the fragment from the Gospel of Phillip.

Sermon3/27/08 9:31 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The 1904 Welsh Revival
Rev. Gordon Dane
“ Prayer. ”
A message that stresses the importance of prayer for revival and in revival.

Sermon9/23/07 9:10 PM
Dr John Salmons  Find all comments by Dr John Salmons
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Failing in the Day of Victory
Rev. Gordon Dane
“ Another Great Sermon! ”
Rev Dane never fails to preach salvation, something sadly lacking in many churches.

Sermon8/14/07 4:14 PM
Dr John Salmons  Find all comments by Dr John Salmons
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John Rogers: Protestant Martyr
Rev. Gordon Dane
“ Powerful Sermon! ”
Would that there were more with such faith.

Sermon7/17/07 10:21 PM
Wellington  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wellington
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Joel Osteen
Rev. Gordon Dane
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Gordon Dane, This sermon open my eyes about the false teachings of Joel Osteen. I hear your preaching for the first time and I thank God we have the access to the internet to hear good doctrine. God Bless You Wellington Rodriguez

Blog7/17/07 8:49 AM
EricB  Find all comments by EricB
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The problem with Osteen is his emphasis on self as in "Your Best Life Now." It seems that his message continually reinforces the "self" versus the "dying to self" of the Bible. The "self" is the problem and any preaching that points people back to the self is more of the problem.

Blog7/16/07 9:58 PM
Abigail from Oregon  Find all comments by Abigail
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Preachers that preach only a positive message of God's love, perverting God's love into His acceptance of fleshly lusts, draw a big crowd. People love to believe they are in good standing with God while living a life of selfishness and pride.

Many false prophets shall arise and deceive many.

"Christianity" has become "big business". Wolves in sheep's clothing—hirelings that care not for the sheep—stand in the pulpit making great boasts of being the "voice of God", but they are driven by greed for filthy lucre.

"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?..." (Matt 16:26)

I pray God have mercy on these lost souls and convict them of their evil ways.

Blog7/16/07 4:17 PM
Scott McMahan from Internet  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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Disturbing that Christianity Today is cheerleading for Charismatics - they're becoming a Charisma Magazine clone with the mango seed ads and Joel Osteen. Christianity Today seems to be in terminal decline.

Sermon7/8/07 4:58 AM
Donna Manly  Contact via emailFind all comments by Donna Manly
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Joel Osteen
Rev. Gordon Dane
“ Great Sermon! ”
I needed to hear this sermon. I have heard so much about how great Joel Osteen is but I did not know enough about him to respond. After hearing this sermon I now know his message is dangerous and of the flesh, centered upon self and not the Lord.

Sermon7/7/07 12:36 AM
Kurt Michaelson  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kurt Michaelson
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Joel Osteen
Rev. Gordon Dane
“ Great Sermon! ”
I'm glad I'm not the only one who recognizes the error of Joel Osteen's half-hearted teaching. Charles Spurgeon said, "If the Lord's bearing of our sin for us is not the gospel, then I have no gospel to preach." Joel Osteen certainly does not preach the Lord's bearing of our sin.

Sermon7/2/07 6:05 PM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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Joel Osteen
Rev. Gordon Dane
“ A necessary warning - heed it! ”
I urge anyone who has gotten involved with Joel Osteen or his form of religion to listen to this message and compare Osteen to what the Bible says. Osteen is not preaching the same message, a fact which this sermon makes very clear. The true gospel is nothing like the lite "cotton candy" preaching of Osteen, but is instead mighty to save.

Sermon4/23/07 3:34 PM
Seeker from Britain  Find all comments by Seeker
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The 1904 Welsh Revival
Rev. Gordon Dane
“ Great Revival Sermon! ”
Thank you Rev Dane for this word on the wonderful response of God to his people in Revival. A response to earnest praying of hearts that love. Ask, Seek and knock and it shall be given unto thee. Pray for an outpouring of His Holy Spirit and Grace.

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