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Myron Mooney | Trinity, Alabama
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1280 Old Hwy 24
Trinity, AL 35673

Directions: From Birmingham take I-65N to exit 334 -- Priceville-Decatur. Go left at the light. This is Highway 67N. Stay on this until Highway 24W (Gorden Terry Parkway). Take 24W. Go right on Old Highway 24. We are at the top of the hill on the left.

From Nashville go south on I-65 to the Decatur exit (Highway 20). This becomes Highway 31 as you come into Decatur over the bridge. Turn right at the Holiday Inn (1st right after bridge). Turn left at Highway 67. Take exit for Highway 24W. Turn off 24W at Old Highway 24 which is marked Trinity to the right. At the top of the hill, church is on the left.
26072 County Rd. 460
Trinity, AL 35673
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Rev. Myron Mooney
1,316 sermons
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The False Doctrine of Carnal Christianity
Series:  Series on 1 Corinthians  · 10 of 11
7/24/2005 (SUN)
  |  Bible: 1 Corinthians 2:14-16
        SUNDAY - AM
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Rev. Myron Mooney
False Doctrine

Series on 1 Corinthians
Sunday - AM
Trinity Free Presbyterian
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Rev. Myron Mooney
False Doctrine

Series on 1 Corinthians
Trinity Free Presbyterian
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H Hudson (3/29/2015)
from Deerfield Beach, Florida
“ Strong Sermon! ”
This message gives us a clear understanding of what a True Christian does and believes as opposed to a professing Christian does and believes. It forces us to see ourselves when we see what the Holy Scriptures say about a spiritual follower and a carnal follower and why one is true and one is false. If the Holy Spirit abides in you, how can you permit the sinful nature be your guidance?

Jay (10/26/2005)
Now, we as Christians know that no matter how 'saved' we are, that it still does not prevent temptation from coming our way. But a truly saved person with the power of the Holy Spirit, can discern what's right and what's wrong, and will follow through on doing what is righteous. We have all, at some point or another, met a person who claimed they are christian and yet, they are still doing worldy things that contradict that of the Holy Spirit. I used to be one of those people, (perhaps I still am and don't know it). Anyway, this is another message about christians taking their salvation seriously, and not being hypocrites. We should stand firm in our belief in Jesus and correct those who are carnal christians. This is a MUST listen for baby-yet-serious christians like myself. God bless you, Br. Mooney, and future listeners.

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