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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley | Belfast, Northern Ireland
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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
1,385 sermons
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The Naked Truth
6/8/2008 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Proverbs 12:19
        SUNDAY - PM
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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
The Naked Truth

Proverbs 12:19
Sunday - PM
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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
The Naked Truth

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Sunday - PM
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Christian Raas (6/16/2008)
from Switzerland
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Mrs. Paisley Thank you for your prompt response to my comment. I did not mean to attack or criticize the ministry of Dr. Paisley. I am a great admirer of his and have listened to most if not all of his sermons on this website and I have been tremendously blessed by many of them. Nevertheless I believe that no mortal man is above reproach or is infallible in all his positions. Moreover I presented only an honest observation as an avid listener to the sermons of Dr. Paisley. Why did my comment get censored? Usually comments on sermonaudio get posted even if they may not agree with the speaker unless of course they contain foul language which my comment definitely did not. Please remain receptive to well-meant criticism. We are all in need of brotherly exhortation. Yours sincerely, Christian Raas

Eileen Paisley (6/16/2008)
“ 16th June 08 ”
Dear Friends, Thank you for your message. I can assure you that despite all my husband's political involvement, not just during the past year, but for the past forty years, he has never shrunk from preaching the truth of God. No-one has been left in any doubt as to his stand on either Romanism or Islam. During the past year especially, at every political function which he has addressed as First Minister of Northern Ireland, whether in North or South Ireland, the United Kingdom or America, he has not failed to uplift Christ. I have been with him on these occasions and have seen how God has touched the hearts of multitudes of people who had never before been presented with the gospel. We have found a great hunger for the gospel among rich and poor alike, and from various religions whom we have met, and our hearts have been stirred by the response. Last night my husband had the joy of pointing a Roman Catholic man to Christ after the evening service. I am sure this will gladden your heart as it has ours. You can be assured that my husband has never changed his message, despite this charge being made against him by those who are shooting from the sidelines but who are doing nothing themselves apart from criticizing! Sincerely, Eileen E Paisley.

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  Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
Dr. Ian Richard Kyle Paisley, the son of a godly Baptist pastor, for many years was a controversial but effective politician and has held electoral seats for many years in the British and European Parliaments, he currently sits as Ian Lord Bannside in the House of Lords in the...

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   Fundamentalism vs. Apostasy • 3/1/1969 | 53,200+ downloads
   1988 Catholicism Radio Debate • 10/1/1988 | 44,200+ downloads

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