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Rev. Roger Higginson | Lisburn, Northern Ireland
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0044 28 9266 0786
Lisburn Free Presbyterian
1 Windermere Road
Lisburn, Northern Ireland
BT28 2GY
Lisburn Free Presbyterian
1 Windermere Road
Lisburn, Northern Ireland
BT28 2GY
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Dr. John Douglas
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Campbellites or Church of Christ
Series:  Cults  · 4 of 4
12/6/1981 (SUN)
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Dr. John Douglas
Campbellites Church of Christ

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Lisburn Free Presbyterian
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Dr. John Douglas
Campbellites Church of Christ

Lisburn Free Presbyterian
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Ahmand BContact via email (3/27/2020)
from Florida
“ Surface Impressions ”
To be transparent, I am an evangelist for the church of Christ. And before I heard the sermon message, I wanted to read the comments. Immediately, the evidence in these comments do not paint an even close picture of what I read of God's plan is for those whom want to be saved. I am going to listen to the sermon as I am a fan of other lessons taught by other preachers. However, I'd like to really caution everyone when it comes to the validity of where the church Jesus himself said He will build and when it actually started. Consider (forgive for the elementary pieces here) Matt 16:18, Romans 16:16, Acts 20:27-28, 1 Cor 1:1-5. These and many more prove that the church of Christ started well over 1,000 years before Alexander and Thomas Campbell came on the scene. Yes, God had them in mind before they were born-Jeremiah 1:5, but they weren't a part of God's eternal purpose-Eph 3:11. Basically, please continue to ensure the #woke movement continues and searching for the truth; Acts 17:11. Comments marrying the church to the Campbell's tears down the arguments leaving those type comments with no validity or proof that the church of Christ is wrong. Please consider as well the Rev. letters to different churches. Some were bad 1 wasnt, dont put all together. More 2 follow Love u a

Anonymous Name (12/13/2018)
“ Campbellite False Gospel ”
The Campbellites refer to their church as the "Church of Christ," but that is a misnomer since The True Church of Christ teaches Justification By Faith In Jesus Christ Alone Without Works. The so-called "Church of Christ" should be called the Campbellite Church since it was founded by Alexander Campbell. More troubling, the Campbellite Church believes in a false gospel of baptismal regeneration. It is very apparent that the Campbellite Church teaches works salvation by adding baptism to salvation. Another thing that is troubling is that Max Lucado, a very popular evangelical personality, is closely associated with the Campbellite Church. Max Lucado even believes the false gospel of baptismal regeneration, a damnable heresy damning multitudes of people to Hell. It is very sad, but very sobering that the majority of churches send more people to Hell than anything else. This also shows that the majority of churches are on the broad path to destruction stated in Matthew 7:13.

Bobby M. (6/11/2006)
from Texas
“ Great Sermon! ”
The church of Christ is even deeper into cultish activity than the great sermon reveals to us. I know, because I was a long time member. Thanks for confirming the same things God has been showing me. Leaving is a painfull thing because of family and friends, but it is necessary if we want to be free and stay free. Thanks again! Bobby

Jean WatsonContact via email (3/17/2005)
from Grover Beach Ca. 93433
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wished every Church Of Christ Member would open there mind to listen to this Truth, AS a former member saved by Gods Grace through Faith because I am willing to keep my mind open and listen then test whats said against Gods Word,God leads us to the Truth if we are truly searching for his Truth not ours,I have a burden on my heart for members of the Church Of Christ,quoting from the book The Truth About The Church OF Christ,Could a Church Of Christ Member Be Saved,After viewing the "Watered Down" Gospel of the so-called Church Of Christ,the question may well be considered,could a Campellite be saved.The answer certainly is this that if a person believes what the Church Of Christ teaches and does not understand God's way of salvation,then the Campbellite is not saved no matter how many religious theories he embraces or how many times he has been dipped in the Church Of Christ Baptistry,he futher states whoever you may be,dear reader,whether a member of the Church OF Christ,a preacher in the movement, or one who reads this book just out of curiosity,let me urge you to put your faith in Christ and Christ alone,for salvation "Nothing in my hand I bring;Simply to the Cross I Cling" Thankyou for a well researched sermon please pray for our Lord to open the closed minds. Jean Watson

David (2/21/2005)
from Roseville, California
“ Great Sermon! ”
I was raised in this church. But God opened my eyes to the TRUE doctrine of grace and I left this church. To Him be the glory and honor!! David

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  Dr. John Douglas
John Douglas is Principal of the Whitefield College of the Bible and senior minister of Lisburn Free Presbyterian Church in County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

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   Restore the Joy of Salvation • 7/5/1998 | 13,200+ downloads
   Jehovah's Witness - The Cult • 9/27/1981 | 6,400+ downloads
   Mormons - The Powerful Cult • 10/18/1981 | 5,800+ downloads


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