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Rev. Andrew Fitton | Cloverdale, British Columbia
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Cloverdale Free Presbyterian
18790 58 Ave, Surrey, BC
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The F.P.C. in Cloverdale
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Rev. Ian Goligher
2,260 sermons
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Why Keep A Christian Sabbath Today
A Day to Keep
11/26/2006 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Nehemiah 13
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Are there ten commandments or only nine? What if Nehemiah were to visit our cities on the Lord's day? Would he still want us to close the gates?
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Rev. Ian Goligher
Why Keep A Christian Sabbath

A Day to Keep
Sunday Service
Cloverdale Free Presbyterian
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Rev. Ian Goligher
Why Keep A Christian Sabbath

A Day to Keep
Cloverdale Free...
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Nancy L Cavey (1/6/2021)
from Manitoba
“ Thank you!!! ”
I'm one of those evsngelicals who finds confusion on this subject. I grew up in the 60s and 70s following the tradition of the Lord'd Day, including Canadian legislation that upheld it. But when it began to slip, especially beginning in 1985, at the federal level, I just wasn't hearing any evangelicals willing to defend it Scripturally. So now I'm digging for myself and recovering the "ancient landmarks". This sermon was so encouraging.

Jeremy (4/1/2012)
from USA
“ Great Sermon! ”
He mentions Acts 20:7 which I never really noticed before. But if you examine it phrase by phrase you will notice it is no mistake the Holy Spirit has given us this statement. They meet on the first day of the week to break bread, Paul preaches to them until midnight, waiting to depart on his journey until the Day is ended. Awesome testimony from the New Testament to the Christian Lord's Day.

Christian (4/1/2011)
from US
“ Interesting sermon! ”
I enjoyed the sermon. I've studied the Sabbath and there were parts I agreed with you and parts I did not. I appreciate you preaching about the Sabbath though. This commandment Seems to have been forgotten.

Paul ThompsonContact via email (7/11/2010)
from Iowa
“ Great Sermon! ”
You Free Presbyterian preachers always hit it right on the head and get to the point. I love it! Thank you for a refreshing and to-the-point sermon about the Lord's Day, the Christian Sabbath. I needed to hear this, as I have been having some confusion concerning the Sabbath day, and some contention from others. God bless you.

Anne (4/26/2010)
from Missouri
“ Thank you for speaking truth! ”
I have been blessed by this message as it reinforces the biblical teaching or family has finally understood! Now Sundays are a delight as we each do our own study (after church at home)and then come together to read good theological volumes instead of...bike-riding, fishing, doing crafts, sewing...! Now I just pray that others will listen and heed!

Annelise Posthuma (10/8/2009)
from New Zealand
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful sermon! it was really challeging and very biblical...makes you think about what you do on a Sunday and how we can do things better and for the Glory of God

MARYNA falckContact via email (9/7/2009)
from jeffreysbay South Africa
“ Great Sermon! ”
thank you for reminding us of Gods Day is HOLY Things are no different in SA in Sunday all the stores are open all day and even christians forget that this is a Holy day when they spend the day shopping.This is why the Lord cannot bless us because we are no longer faithful to His Commandments.Yet we want Him to hear all our prayers and even question Him when some prayers are not answered as we want it to be answered.May God bless you.Thank once more

Benjamin (8/2/2009)
from Scottsdale, AZ
“ Amen! ”
Thank you for the wonderful sermon... praise God! Thank God for a day in which we can rest in the finished work of Christ, by following His example in worship, fellowship, and works. In Christ, Benjamin

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  Rev. Ian Goligher
Ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1981 after studying at The Whitefield College of the Bible in Northern Ireland, Pastor Ian Goligher was the pastor of the Free Presbyterian Church in Cloverdale, B.C. Canada, since pioneering the church there in 1984 until his retirement in...

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